I seem to find that
Normally, Grandma made them from scratch. She would put the dried black eyed peas to soak the night before and then on the morning of January 1 put them onto cook. Grandma usually seasoned the peas she cooked with with pigs feet. I prefer to season mine (when I make them from scratch) with a honey baked ham bone and pieces of the ham. However, this year I'm going to have the canned peas because I have no way to fix the dried ones at this time. Maybe I'll fix black eyed peas in March for Naw-Ruz.
Grandma Mary always fixed black eyed peas on January 1 because she thought they were good luck. I'll have to do some research on that superstition, I don't believe what you eat on the first attracts good luck, but it would be nice to know where the superstition originated.