Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Cloudy Tuesday Morning In Las Vegas

Fiḍál (Grace), 16 Qudrat (Power), 170 BE - Tuesday, November 19, 2013 about 8:23 am Pacific Standard Time

a cloudy Tuesday
charcoal gray clouds hide blue sky
the coffee is hot

I will be moving soon and one of the t hings I will miss is looking out this living room window at the sky. This morning, the clouds conceal the sun and the blue sky. There is a slight wind, blowing through the neighbors' oak and olive trees. The weeds in the front yard are turning from green to light gray, while the leaves on the oak tree next door are yellow and falling to the ground.

a cloudy Tuesday
the damp in the morning air
penetrates my bones

There are other things I will miss when I move out of this neighborhood, but then I will have new things to discover in my new neighborhood. I am, on one level, looking forward to the move and, one another level, I do not want to move. A move means changes and sometimes change is difficult or painful; however, it is necessary to the advancement of the individual soul and humanity.

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