Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Midweek Reflections on Fresh Brewed Coffee

‘Idál (Justice), 12 Qawl (Speech), 170 BE - Wednesday, December 4, 2013 about 6:12 AM Pacific Standard Time

Why is it that fresh brewed coffee tastes better then leftover coffee heated in the microwave? This morning, my first cup of coffee was leftover from Monday and I warmed it up in the microwave before brewing a fresh carafe. I finished the warmed over coffee and then poured myself a cup of the fresh brewed coffee.

The leftover coffee was hot and it was good, but when I tasted the fresh brewed coffee I noticed the difference.  Perhaps the difference in taste come from the fact that I let the coffee sit in the carafe since Monday or it could be that fresh brewed coffee simply tastes better then leftover coffee. I know it tastes better then instant coffee, but I did not think that there would be much of a difference between coffee that was brewed fresh on Monday and the coffee I brewed this morning.

a cup of fresh brewed coffee
on a cold December morning.

The difference could also result from the fact that I warmed the leftover coffee up in a mug rather then my regular coffee cup. The cup I use for fresh brewed coffee is small then the one I use to heat up the coffee that is leftover from the day before, which could also be a reason for t he difference in taste. I usually finish the leftover coffee the day after I make it instead of letting it sit for two or three days.

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