Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday: October 17, 2013

Istijlál (Majesty), 2 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 170 BE - Thursday, October 17, 2013 about 9:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Today I am thankful...

1.  ...that I was able to attend the Feast of  'Ilm (Knowledge) on the evening of Tuesday, October 15, at the Baha'i Center in Las Vegas;

2.   ...that I found my copy of The Book of Forms: A Handbook of Poetics by  Lewis Turco, while I was cleaning off a bookshelf and going through trunks;

3.  ...that I found a copy of the poem My Home by 'Abdu'l-Baha, which I can frame and hang on the wall when I moved into my new place;

4.  ...that I found my copy of One Day My Soul Just Opened Up by Inanla Vanzant, while I was cleaning off a bookshelf and going through trunks;

5.  ...that I was able to make a fresh carafe of coffee this morning because hot coffee tastes good on a chilly fall morning;

6.  ...that I found my dream journal The Dream Nothing Book: Sleep on It!, which I put in a trunk 10 years ago and forgot I had purchased;

7.  ...that I received a package of 4 Chocolate Chip Bagels when I pick up food at a local food pantry last week;

8.  ...that I have enough coffee in the container to last me the rest of October, I can make a fresh carafe of coffee every day if I want to;

9.  ...that I still have enough "Flat Steak Stew" to warm up for my lunch and eat with my bagels;

10.  ...that I have a package of salad (I picked it up when I went to the food pantry) to eat with my "Flat Steak Stew" or the "Chocolate Chip Bagels".

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