Friday, December 27, 2013

A Productive Friday Morning

Istiqlál (Independence), 16 Masá’il (Questions), 170 BE - Friday, December 27, 2013 about 10:44 am Pacific Standard Time

It's been a productive Friday morning. I finished the last of the leftover coffee a few minutes ago and, right now, I'm sipping it while composing this entry. I found the canister containing my teabags and wrapped candy, so I placed it next to the coffee maker. I finally reset the clock on the microwave, so now it's close to the actual time on my cellphone.

Things I still have to do. I have to finish setting up the coffee maker for morning by filling the water tank and putting fresh grounds in the basket. I also have to do the morning dishes, but I need to do a room check before I start that because I don't want to find any stray dishes, cups, or flatware when the dishes are washed and sitting clean beside the sink. I also have to do a load of laundry, but I'm going to have to do a room check before I start the machine.

If I wait until starting the washing machine before I do the room check then I end up leaving the lid open through the entire wash cycle and have to run the clothes through again. If I don't do a room check before starting the dishes then I usually end up finding stray flatware or cups in the living room, next to the compute, or sitting beside the coffee maker.

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