Thursday, October 31, 2013

I am usually a patient person

Istijlál (Majesty), 16 'Ilm (Knowledge), 170 BE - Thursday, October 31, 2013 about 1:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I don't know what is wrong with me today, but I don't have the patience to complete a twenty-five or thirty minute survey. I have started two surveys sent to one of my e-mail boxes and managed (with difficulty) to complete one of them. I completed a thirty minute survey this morning; however, when I took a twenty-five minute survey I was unable to complete it because I was too impatient.

It's unusual for me to exit a survey before I complete it, but for some reason my survey patience went out the window today. I can write a blog entry without any problems, but when it comes to surveys I begin getting impatient less then halfway through. I'll fix me something to eat and see if that helps or perhaps I should just delete today's surveys. Give the surveys a rest today and try again tomorrow.

The problems with doing survey on Friday, November 1, is my commitment to National Novel Writing Month. Tomorrow I begin writing Midnight in Suburbia (the working title of this year's NaNoWriMo novel). I can work on the novel in the morning and then in the afternoon see how my patience is when  it comes to doing surveys.

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