Sunday, October 13, 2013

I Am in the Process of Moving

Jamál (Glory), 17 Mashíyyat (Will), 170 BE - Sunday, August 13, 2013 about 7:40 AM

I am in the process of moving. I am packing my old pen and paper journals in a trunk to take with me to my new place. I have to decide which of the books in my personal library I want to take and donate the rest. The most stressful part of the whole thing is decided on the books I want to keep. It is a necessary decision because I cannot take all my books with me and I cannot pay to have them kept in storage.

I am not saying where I will move because I have several options. I cannot afford the rent at some of the options, but they are options so I will keep them in mind for a while. There is one place, I may be able to afford the rent, but I am not sure I want to move there. It would mean moving out of Las Vegas and away from my friends. I have to list  the pros and cons of this move in my pen and paper journal (yes, I have started keeping a pen and paper journal again). I also have to say some prayer because it may be God's will that I move to the affordable option even though it is away from my friends and Las Vegas.

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