Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter Solstice: The Shortest Day of the Year

Jalál (Glory), 10 Masá’il, 170 BE - Saturday, December 21, 2013 about 10:29 am Pacific Standard Time

It's winter solstice. It's the shortest day of the year. It's the day that the sun stands still. All right, the sun doesn't stand still any more then the earth stands still. The earth is always rotating on its axis and revolving around the sun. While the sun does rotate, it doesn't rotate in the same manner as Earth, but it doesn't stand still either. In addition, the sun along with its planets revolve around the center of the galaxy.

After today, the day become longer until we reach the summer solstice. In between these two astronomical events, in the northern hemisphere, winter becomes spring and spring becomes summer. Plants grow and animals give birth life moves at a faster pace as the days grow longer and the nights shorter. Poets are inspired to write odes to nature, love, or bitch about how fast time flies.

I'm looking forward to spring and summer more this year then in the past. I'm cold. I'm chilly. I'm tired of wearing three or four layers of clothes in an attempt to keep warm. True, I live in Las Vegas so it doesn't get at cold here (most of the time) as in other parts of the country; that doesn't make me feel better or warmer. I want to enjoy something cold instead of having to heat everything (all right, almost everything) in the microwave so it doesn't make me cold when I eat or drink it. I'm tired of bundling up when I go to eat something cold because it makes my body colder.

I'm going to close this before it becomes a rant. I've finished the hot tea I was drinking and I need to warm me up another cup of tea or apple juice. I'd fix myself some hot soup, but I'm full at present and couldn't eat another bit. I'll be lucky to finish my next cup of hot tea.

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