Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Midweek Reflections on Frustration

‘Idál (Justice), 19 Qawl (Speech), 170 BE - Wednesday, December 11, 2013 about 3:31 pm Pacific Standard Time

Since November, I'm been attempting to make appointments with specialist. I have three made, but the fourth one is taking longer then I thought and longer then it should. I've called my doctor twice with the proper fax number and, as of today, the  information still hadn't been faxed. I called my doctor again today with the proper fax number. I hope it gets faxed this time.

I'm frustrated! Part of the reason is the doctors' appointments, but that isn't the only thing that's causing my frustration. I'm still living in my mother's house because the house hasn't closed yet, which means I'm still saddled with bills I can't pay. I think I have enough for the power bill, but then I will still have to deal with the car insurance and other bills.

I'm tired. I'm cold. I'm frustrated . I'm repeating myself. Maybe I need to view this entire situation from a different perspective. The managers from the apartments, whose waiting lists I'm on, haven't called yet. Perhaps it's good thing that the house hasn't closed. At least, I still have someplace to live. All though next week I may not have insurance for the car if I pay the power bill. If I don't pay the power bill then I will have insurance for the car, but no power in the house.

A change in perspective doesn't help my frustration. It doesn't keep me warm. I think the best thing for me to do at this moment is post this. Then I will make myself a cup of hot tea with a candy cane in it. After I finish the tea, then I will say some prayer.

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