Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Midweek Reflections: December 25, 2013

‘Idál (Justice), 14 Masá’il (Questions), 170 BE - Wednesday, December 25, 2013 about 8:29 am Pacific Standard Time

It's a joyous Christmas morning,
I inhaled the scent of woodsmoke
when I rolled the trashcan to the curb
and smiled
at the realization
that even on a holiday
some people are blessed with work.

It's a joyous Christmas morning,
I heard a nightingale singing
outside my kitchen window
and realized
how blessed I am
because I have the love
of both Christ and Baha'u'llah.

It's a joyous Christmas morning,
with a slight breeze caressing
a neighbor's olive tree
and bird songs
through the neighborhood.

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