Monday, October 28, 2013

October Wind in Las Vegas

Kamál (Perfection), 13 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 170 BE - Monday, October 28, 2013 about 6:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time

the wind was scary
things going bump all night
chilling the darkness

I am not sure what time the wind started blowing last night. I know I heard it when I went to sleep on the couch, which was between 6:30 and 10:00 pm. It blew hard enough to rattle the mail slot in the front door and it sounds like someone is attempting to break into the house. I have lived here long enough that I am used to the sound, but when I first moved into this house it frightened me until I figured out what made the noise.

the wind is scary
pushing trashcans down the street
waking me from sleep

I woke up, before the alarm sound this morning, to the noise of plastic trashcans blowing in the street. At least, I think it was sound of plastic trashcans blowing in the wind. It was still dark outside, so I did not open the door or go outside to find out what made the noise. I choose to remain in the house because 3:30 am is too early to go out looking for the cause of noises.

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