Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Gift from Grandma Mary

‘Idál (Justice), 15 ‘Ilm (Knowledge) 170 BE – Wednesday, October 30, 2013

As I was cleaning out dresser drawers, I found a potholder that Grandma Mary had embroidered in 1951 or 1952. I’m not exactly sure what year Grandma made the potholder. I know it was sometime between my fifth and sixth birthday because, according to the age she put on the potholder, I was five years old and I turned that age on December 24, 1951.

On one side of the potholder is an outline of my hand, in blue embroidery thread and on the other side is the outline of my sister’s hand in red thread, with her age as two and one-half. Grandma used our right hands and put each of our names under the hands, but above the age.

I’m not sure how Grandma got our hand prints, but I think she must have had each of us place our hands on the material and then she used a pencil to draw the outline. I don’t remember the occasion, I wish I did because it must have been something Grandma wanted both my sister and I to remember.

Look at the hand prints, I have that sad nostalgic feeling I get when I think about Grandma Mary or Grandpa Frank. However, I don’t remain sad very long because this gift from Grandma Mary makes me smile. Perhaps I should write a poem about the potholder.

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