Thursday, October 31, 2013

I am usually a patient person

Istijlál (Majesty), 16 'Ilm (Knowledge), 170 BE - Thursday, October 31, 2013 about 1:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I don't know what is wrong with me today, but I don't have the patience to complete a twenty-five or thirty minute survey. I have started two surveys sent to one of my e-mail boxes and managed (with difficulty) to complete one of them. I completed a thirty minute survey this morning; however, when I took a twenty-five minute survey I was unable to complete it because I was too impatient.

It's unusual for me to exit a survey before I complete it, but for some reason my survey patience went out the window today. I can write a blog entry without any problems, but when it comes to surveys I begin getting impatient less then halfway through. I'll fix me something to eat and see if that helps or perhaps I should just delete today's surveys. Give the surveys a rest today and try again tomorrow.

The problems with doing survey on Friday, November 1, is my commitment to National Novel Writing Month. Tomorrow I begin writing Midnight in Suburbia (the working title of this year's NaNoWriMo novel). I can work on the novel in the morning and then in the afternoon see how my patience is when  it comes to doing surveys.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Gift from Grandma Mary

‘Idál (Justice), 15 ‘Ilm (Knowledge) 170 BE – Wednesday, October 30, 2013

As I was cleaning out dresser drawers, I found a potholder that Grandma Mary had embroidered in 1951 or 1952. I’m not exactly sure what year Grandma made the potholder. I know it was sometime between my fifth and sixth birthday because, according to the age she put on the potholder, I was five years old and I turned that age on December 24, 1951.

On one side of the potholder is an outline of my hand, in blue embroidery thread and on the other side is the outline of my sister’s hand in red thread, with her age as two and one-half. Grandma used our right hands and put each of our names under the hands, but above the age.

I’m not sure how Grandma got our hand prints, but I think she must have had each of us place our hands on the material and then she used a pencil to draw the outline. I don’t remember the occasion, I wish I did because it must have been something Grandma wanted both my sister and I to remember.

Look at the hand prints, I have that sad nostalgic feeling I get when I think about Grandma Mary or Grandpa Frank. However, I don’t remain sad very long because this gift from Grandma Mary makes me smile. Perhaps I should write a poem about the potholder.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Giving my portfolio a new look

Fiḍál (Grace), 14 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 170 BE - Tuesday, October 29, 2013 about 1:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I joined on October 31, 2002 and I am still a member. After eleven years, I have decided to give my portfolio new look. I uploaded a picture of Mom and me to the website, I used the picture as a portfolio cover. I also changed the header, so that it now features one of my poems.

I updated the map of my port and moved it so that it is easier for people going there to see. I also put the collection of my Mother's Poems, which I am editing, in the highlights so that it is one of the first thing people see. I have several other things I want to do over the next couple of months. I hope to have everything completed before December 31, 2013, but it may take longer to do everything I want with the port.

Somethings I still have to do...

1. Give all my books and folders covers;

2. Write a detained biography of my life.

3.  Purchase a premium plus membership.

Monday, October 28, 2013

October Wind in Las Vegas

Kamál (Perfection), 13 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 170 BE - Monday, October 28, 2013 about 6:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time

the wind was scary
things going bump all night
chilling the darkness

I am not sure what time the wind started blowing last night. I know I heard it when I went to sleep on the couch, which was between 6:30 and 10:00 pm. It blew hard enough to rattle the mail slot in the front door and it sounds like someone is attempting to break into the house. I have lived here long enough that I am used to the sound, but when I first moved into this house it frightened me until I figured out what made the noise.

the wind is scary
pushing trashcans down the street
waking me from sleep

I woke up, before the alarm sound this morning, to the noise of plastic trashcans blowing in the street. At least, I think it was sound of plastic trashcans blowing in the wind. It was still dark outside, so I did not open the door or go outside to find out what made the noise. I choose to remain in the house because 3:30 am is too early to go out looking for the cause of noises.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

I am on waiting lists in Las Vegas and Searchlight

Jalál (Glory), 11 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 170 BE - Saturday, October 26, 2013 about 5:49 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I am on another waiting list for a one bedroom apartment, which I cannot afford. I cannot afford to remain in this house and I cannot afford the studio apartment I am going to look at on Monday. I can afford the rents, but I cannot afford the move in fees.  If I am accepted after they places do a credit check and a background check (it is not the background check I am worried about) then I will have to ask my siblings for help with the fees.

I know something will come up that I can afford, I just have to keep on looking. If I do get into the studio, then I have to continue looking for a place because I am not sure I can fit all my books into a studio apartment. I am downsizing as much as possible, but their are some books that I want to keep and take with me.

I looked at a place on Thursday that I like. I did not see the apartment but I saw the building and found out the about what they have going on. There are activities and other fun stuff. Oh well, if I move into the studio then I will have to schedule my own activities. If I schedule my own activities then the only place I will go is spiritual services and the gym. However, those may be the only places I want to go.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Contemplations on Moving

Istiqlál (Independence), 10 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 170 BE - Friday, October 25, 2013 about 5:43 AM Pacific Time

It is the last Friday in October 2013 and it is the last October I will spend in this house. I am looking forward to moving, which is an event filled with both joy and tears. I am sad to be leaving a house Mom and I enjoyed living in. I am happy to be downsizing my life by moving into a smaller place.

I am moving to a smaller place that will be easier for me to keep clean. I am looking forward to making new friends and getting involved in new activities. I am looking forward to re-involving myself in some old activities I enjoyed with Mom. I am looking forward to making new memories and writing poems or stories about the old memories.

I am looking forward to moving someplace where I do not wake up in the middle of the night listening for the oxygen concentrator. Mom died on November 29, 2012, almost eleven months ago, I still wake up in the middle of the night listening for the noise of the oxygen concentrator. I still wake up thinking I hear Mom calling me and then realize it was only a dream. Perhaps in the new place I can sleep through the night without waking up listening for those sounds.

The old sounds still haunt
this house, its bedrooms and hall,
wake me at midnight.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Midweek Reflections on the Last Full Week in October

‘Idál (Justice) , 8 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 170 BE - Wednesday, October 23, 2013 about 8:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time

It is Wednesday of the last full week in October. I know this because I checked the date on my "Happy Anniversary!" calendar.  My anniversary date is October 31 and I have been a member since 2002. I joined this writer's website on a whim one Halloween Day and I have remained a member ever since.

This is the last full week in October and I am in the process of downsizing. I have to downsize because I am moving from a three bedroom house to a studio or one bedroom apartment. I have gotten rid of a lot of stuff, but I still have more to either give away or throw away. This morning I put the dining room table with its four chairs on Free Cycle. Hopefully someone will want the table and chairs before this coming weekend.

Since I am moving to a smaller place, I am taking a small black breakfast table and two chairs with me. I am also going to take at least one of the bookcases. I may take the other bookcase with me, but I am not sure at the moment. I have a lot of books to give away, so I should put some of those on Free Cycle. I know what books I want to take with me and what books I want to give away. I need some boxes to put the books in I want to transport to my new place.

It is the last full week in October, I am looking forward to moving. I am not looking forward to packing up everything. I am having difficulty deciding what things I want to take, throw away, or give away. I am making those stressful decisions and learning to let go of the past. I am moving forward one step at a time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I Saw the Waning Gibbous in Las Vegas

Fiḍál (Grace), 7 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 170 BE - Tuesday, October 22, 2013 about 5:31 AM Pacific Daylight Time

I took same trash to the garage this morning and when I looked up I saw the waning gibbous moon and several stars twinkling. It is a clear morning here in Las Vegas, if I look directly overhead I can see a stars twinkling despite the light pollution. Sometimes in the early morning or late evening Venus, Mars, or some of the other planets are visible in the predawn or night sky. I did not stay out long enough to see if any of the planets were visible on this chilly autumn morning.

One of the advantages of living in the suburbs is the view of the sky. It is difficult to see the night sky on the Las Vegas Strip because of the casino lights, but in the suburbs it is some times possible to see the stars. According to, Las Vegas can expect a sunny day with zero percent chance of rain. The temperature this morning is 59 degrees and today's high is predicted to be 82 degrees, which makes October 22 a nice day in Las Vegas.

the waning gibbous
smiles down upon the city
a beautiful day

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Too Busy to Play Games in Las Vegas

Jalál (Glory), 4 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 170 BE - Saturday, October 19, 2013 about 4:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Today I was too busy to  play games. I did not log into my online games account and I did not play any of the solitary games on my computer hard drive. I did not think about playing games until about five minutes ago when I decided I needed to make an entry in this blog.Usually I play one or  two games of solitary to help focus my attention, but today I did not need to play the games.

This morning, I went to the Creekside Hospice Memoriam Gathering at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. I was there from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. After leaving the Golf Club, I came home and logged into I made an entries in two of my books and wrote a background stories for my antagonist in Midnight in Suburbia. I also fixed me something to eat this afternoon.

I did not miss the solitary games today. I did not even want to play them, which is obvious since I did not think about them. I guess the best way for me to keep from wasting my time playing games is to be too busy at something else. I may be too busy to play them tomorrow, as well. I still have the closet in my bedroom to empty and I think tomorrow I will finish taking the stuff off the shelf and put it in the largest empty trunk I have.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday: October 17, 2013

Istijlál (Majesty), 2 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 170 BE - Thursday, October 17, 2013 about 9:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Today I am thankful...

1.  ...that I was able to attend the Feast of  'Ilm (Knowledge) on the evening of Tuesday, October 15, at the Baha'i Center in Las Vegas;

2.   ...that I found my copy of The Book of Forms: A Handbook of Poetics by  Lewis Turco, while I was cleaning off a bookshelf and going through trunks;

3.  ...that I found a copy of the poem My Home by 'Abdu'l-Baha, which I can frame and hang on the wall when I moved into my new place;

4.  ...that I found my copy of One Day My Soul Just Opened Up by Inanla Vanzant, while I was cleaning off a bookshelf and going through trunks;

5.  ...that I was able to make a fresh carafe of coffee this morning because hot coffee tastes good on a chilly fall morning;

6.  ...that I found my dream journal The Dream Nothing Book: Sleep on It!, which I put in a trunk 10 years ago and forgot I had purchased;

7.  ...that I received a package of 4 Chocolate Chip Bagels when I pick up food at a local food pantry last week;

8.  ...that I have enough coffee in the container to last me the rest of October, I can make a fresh carafe of coffee every day if I want to;

9.  ...that I still have enough "Flat Steak Stew" to warm up for my lunch and eat with my bagels;

10.  ...that I have a package of salad (I picked it up when I went to the food pantry) to eat with my "Flat Steak Stew" or the "Chocolate Chip Bagels".

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Chilly October Morning

‘Idál (Justice), 1 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 170 BE - Wednesday, October 16, 2013 about 9:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time

On this chilly October morning,
I think back to last night's drive
across Las Vegas.

Traffic was heavy,
on Charleston Avenue,
as I drove west
toward Rainbow Boulevard
and the Baha'i Center
on West Oakey.

On this chilly October morning,
I contemplate the tranquility
at the Feast of Knowledge,
as I listened to the sacred scriptures
and the prayers
the beginning of a new month.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Busy Tuesday Morning

Fiḍál (Grace), 19 Mashíyyat (Will), 170 BE - Tuesday October 15, 2013 about 1:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time

After a busy Tuesday morning I simply want to take it easy. I was on one or the other of the phones all morning. I called my Internet provider, which is also my cable and land telephone line provider. I signed up for their new bundle because it was cheaper then the one I had with them, which expired some time ago. I now have a two year contract that is less expensive then what I was paying, but I have to move where they have connections.

I am looking for an inexpensive place to live in Las Vegas, Henderson, North Las Vegas, or Boulder City. Those are the cities in southern Nevada that I am sure has the Internet and cable connections I need. I have to find a new place by November 25, at the latest. I talked to my real estate agent yesterday and found out that is when the short-sale of the house will close. Now all I have to do is find an affordable and safe place to life, preferably on the ground floor.

I have osteoarthritis in my knees, so walking up and down stairs is difficult and painful. I hope I can find a senior apartment in Las Vegas because this is where most of my friends are located, However, I will be happy finding one in the Clark County area because I can get a cable hookup. I would also like a place with less expensive utilities then this house. I am tired of trying to figure out how I am going to pay the electric bill. If I have to worry about paying a bill, I would rather worry about the rent then the electric bill.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

I Am in the Process of Moving

Jamál (Glory), 17 Mashíyyat (Will), 170 BE - Sunday, August 13, 2013 about 7:40 AM

I am in the process of moving. I am packing my old pen and paper journals in a trunk to take with me to my new place. I have to decide which of the books in my personal library I want to take and donate the rest. The most stressful part of the whole thing is decided on the books I want to keep. It is a necessary decision because I cannot take all my books with me and I cannot pay to have them kept in storage.

I am not saying where I will move because I have several options. I cannot afford the rent at some of the options, but they are options so I will keep them in mind for a while. There is one place, I may be able to afford the rent, but I am not sure I want to move there. It would mean moving out of Las Vegas and away from my friends. I have to list  the pros and cons of this move in my pen and paper journal (yes, I have started keeping a pen and paper journal again). I also have to say some prayer because it may be God's will that I move to the affordable option even though it is away from my friends and Las Vegas.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The doorbell woke m up this morning

Jalál (Glory),16 Mashíyyat (Will), 170 BE - Saturday, October 12, 2013 about 5:46 AM

The doorbell woke me up about 3:30 AM. I got up, put on a robe, and answered the door. No one was there, so I closed the door, took my thyroid medication, said a morning prayer, and turned on the computers. Since the bell ring only once it is possible it was part of a dream or my subconscious waking me up. Whatever causes this phenomenon it has been occurring every 30 to 90 days since 2007 or 2008.

I am not worried, but I am not used to it happening. I still get up and go to the door to see if anyone is there. I know it is not a good idea to open the door like that, but the security screen is locked. I an not sure why I open the door, I suspect it is curiosity or the fact that I have had relatives ring my doorbell at odd hours of the day and night.

Normally, when this happens I go back to bed (or in my case I lay down on the couch) and go back to sleep. This morning I could not go back to sleep because I was wide awake and I have projects that I have to complete today. I will take a nap this afternoon if I get sleepy, otherwise I will pack couple of trunks and finish some writing projects.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

I Took the Test for Depression Today

Istijlál (Majesty), 14 Mashíyyat (Will), 170 BE - Thursday, October 10, 2013 about 8:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time

October 10 is National Screening for Depression Day, therefore, I did an online search for Depression Test. I then took the test because I have been feeling unhappy and sad for sometime. I encourage anyone who is feeling down and cannot shake that emotion to take the test and then contact his or her doctor. The following is my results.

DisorderYour Score
Major Depression:High
Bipolar Disorder:Very Slight
Seasonal Affective Disorder:High-Moderate
Postpartum Depression:N/A
Take the Depression Test

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Looking Forward to Dawn

Fiḍál (Grace), 12 Mashíyyat (Will), 170 BE - Tuesday, October 8, 2013 about 6:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time

I am looking forward to dawn and carrying the trash out to the garage. All right, taking the trash out is no big deal, but I like the idea of walking in the sun. I enjoy standing in the driveway listening to the birds or watching the neighbor's oak tree lose its leaves. Most of the leaves on that tree are still green; however, some of them have begun falling to the ground.

As I look out my window, I can see the sky turning from deep black to blueish gray. I think we may have a cloud cover, but I cannot be sure until after dawn. Las Vegas in a valley and at first light I cannot be sure if there are clouds or the sky just looks cloudy because the sun is still behind Sunrise Mountain. Since I have not turned on television to watch the news or checked the, I do not know the forecast for today.

I am planning on staying home, so I do not care what the weather is like. It does not matter if it is cloudy or clear when I am working in the house. All though, I may have to go into the back yard to get the ladder. I noticed  yesterday, when I went onto the patio that the ladder was sitting on the west side of the yard next to a huge oleander bush. I need to put the ladder in the patio or the garage where I can get to it easily.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

An Interesting Request

Jamál (Beauty), 9 Mashíyyat (Will), 170 BE - Sunday, October 5, 2013 about 9:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time

I had an interesting request this morning, a man knocked at my door and ask if he could have one of the limbs that are lying in my front yard. The limbs were cut off the pine tree a couple of weeks ago and are still waiting for someone to carry them away. I told the man he could have the limb, I did not ask what he was going to do with it because it was none of my business. I glad to have one of limbs gone because it means one less item for me to deal with.

This close to Halloween, I suspect he wanted it for some type of yard decoration. People in this neighborhood are starting to decorate for Halloween. The neighbors across the street have a jack o' lantern grinning from their front window. I suppose a dead tree limb would make a interesting and possibly scary or spooky yard decoration.

I do not decorate for Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, but I like to see how other people decorate for those holidays. One of my fondest Christmas memories is driving around looking at the yard decorations on the weekends before or after Christmas. Since I do not get out much at night, the only yard decorations I see are those in my neighborhood.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Midweek Reflections on Cars, Service Stations, and Clothes

Istijlál (Majesty), 7 Mashíyyat (Will), 170 BE - Wednesday, October 2, 2013 about 7:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time

This afternoon I was driving back from my grief counseling meeting when my car stalled. I stopped at the corner of Desert Inn and South Eastern for the light, when I went to turn north on Eastern the car stalled. This is the first time it has did that in a long time, I suspect it may have something to do with the amount of gas in my tank. Unfortunately, I cannot get any gas until my Social Security check hits my bank account. I expect the money to be deposited in my account on Thursday or Friday.

I have enough gas in the tank to get me to a service station, if I go to the one on the corner of South Eastern and East Sahara. I will use my debit card to pay for the gas, I have used my debit card at that station before. That is a full service station, if I chose to use that service bay. Since I need to have the transmission fluid and the tires checked, I think I will use the full service bay.

I should get the tank fill so that I do not have to worry about gas for the rest of the month. The Kia is easy on gas and I do not drive the car very much any more. Still it will cost about fifty dollars to fill the entire tank. I know that does not sound like much, but I am on a fixed income. If I fill the tank then I have to put off shopping for clothes this month. If I do not have gas in the tank then I cannot go anywhere, so it does not matter if I have anything nice to wear around the house.

I will get the gas instead of the clothes. I have two dresses that I can wear in public, all though there are a couple of things I desperately need. I also need to have my hair cut, but I will have to put that and the clothes shopping off until November. Oh well, that is the way life goes sometimes.