Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Midweek Reflections on Triple Digit Temperatures

'Idal (Justice), 4 Mashíyyat (Will), 172 BE - Wednesday, September 30, 2015 about 4:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Hopefully today will be the last we will see of triple digit temperatures here in Las Vegas. Right now it is 100 degrees and the forecast high for today was 101 degrees. I don't know if it reached that temperature and I don't want to know. I'm tired of triple digit temperatures. It is autumn and we should be experiences temperatures in the low 90s or the high 80s instead of temperatures of 100 plus degrees.

I have my air conditioner set on econo mode, so the only time it runs is when the temperature in the house rises above 80 or higher degrees. I don't have anything to complain about because the last power bill was about $88.00, which I was able to pay. Still going outside in triple digit temperatures isn't fun. In addition, the air conditioner in my car doesn't work and it cost too much to have it fixed. Fortunately, the temperatures are supposed to be in the double digits for the rest of the week. This means I might be able to plan afternoon shopping trips instead of morning trips.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I Am Eating Better

Fidal (Grace), 3 Mashíyyat (Will), 172 BE - Tuesday, September 29, 2015 9:20 am Pacific Daylight Time

I have one small victory to proclaim. I am eating better. Instead of having candy with my coffee each morning, I an eating grapes. When I finish the grapes then I will have to confront desire to go back to candy. The only thing I can do is take one step at a time and follow my exercise program.

At this point, my exercise program consists of lugging one or two small trash bags to the alley. I also park my car in the alley because it is a longer walk then it I parked in front. I am feeling better, but I don't know if I lost weight because I don't weigh myself at home. I have a bathroom scales, but I haven't been using it to check my weight. I guess I should do that to see if I'm loosing weight.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Saturday Summary: The End of an Interesting Week

Jalal (Glory), 19 ‘Izzat (Might), 172 BE - Saturday, September 26, 2015 about 12:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time

It's been an interesting and noisy week. Most of the noisy occurred between neighbors yelling at each other in the middle of the street. All right, I'm not sure whether the were standing in the middle of the street or on the sidewalk because I had my blinds closes. I close my blinds every day between 6:30 and 9:30 PM usually just after it gets dark outside. For the past three or four nights some of the neighbors (I don't know which ones) have been arguing or shouting at each other in front of my apartment building. The usually end the shouting match around 10:30 pm.

I haven't called the police because all they do is shout at each other. I suspect they may be fighting, but I'm not sure because I refuse to open the blinds or the door to find out. I don't mind the noise because it stops before I begin the process of going to sleep about 11:00 pm. I don't sleep well anyway and I'm sure people shouting at each other would disturb what little sleep I do get.

My sleep pattern is sleep, wake up, and go back to sleep. This occurs a couple of times a night unless I'm foolish enough to bo to bed earlier the normal. I try not to go to sleep earlier no matter how tired I think I am because I know that it won't do any good and I won't get my normal three or four hours of sleep. No matter how early or late I go to sleep I still wake up an hour or so before the alarm goes off at 4:00 am.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Humid Tuesday

Fidal (Grace), 15 ‘Izzat (Might), 172 BE - Tuesday, September 22, 2015 about 4:14 pm Pacific Daylight Time

Here in Las Vegas, we are experiencing 21% humidity with a 97 degree temperature and a dew point at 51 degrees. The forecast for today is scatter shower, but right now we have scatter clouds. I suppose that goes along with scatter showers. This morning was overcast without rain. I think I would rather experience rain because the temperatures would be lower.

I'm not sure why the humidity is getting to me this afternoon. Maybe its my age or physical condition. I'm not in the best of health; my health could be worse so I don't think I'll complain. I'm going to fix myself a green salad later this afternoon. I won't have to cook it so that means I won't be eating anything hot. The salad is cool so it will help me cope with the high temperatures and humidity. In fact, I thin I will post this and then go fix my salad stuff. That way I won't have to interrupt my writing this evening.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday Morning Tranquility: A Poem

Jamal (Beauty), 13 'Izzat (Might), 172 BE - Sunday, September 20, 2015 about 12:14 pm Pacific Daylight Time

Sunday morning
pigeons flew past my window
without disturbing
the peace of the neighborhood.

Sunday morning
all the neighbors are silent
absorbed in the own concerns
undisturbing and undisturbed
by an external noise.

Sunday morning
progresses into a tranquil

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Midweek Reflections on Autumn

'Idal (Justice), 9 ‘Izzat (Might), 172 BE - Wednesday, September 16, 2015 about 1:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time

The Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere occurs on September 23 at 08:20 UTC; this is 1:22 AM PDT. At this time, the sun is shining directly on the equator which makes days and nights almost equal. After this the days get noticeably shorter and the nights longer.

Autumnal Equinox
time to begin preparations
for long and cold winter nights.

Of course, the temperature begins cooling down before the fall equinox. Instead of triple digit temperatures we experience double digit temperatures. This means I need to find my winter sweaters and sweat shirts. I know I will need them at night because I don't have any heavy blankets. Of course, it doesn't get cold enough here in Las Vegas for electric blankets; at least it hasn't in the past. I don't know how cold it will get this year.

I always look forward to fall because I can turn the cool air off without having to turn the warm air on. Right now, I'm planning on turning the unit off on September 30, but I could make it later if it looks like we might experience some out-of-season triple digit temperatures. Considering some of the weird weather we've had lately it wouldn't surprise me. Nor would it surprise me if we hit single digit temperatures early.

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Second Monday in September 2015 I am lonely

Kamal (Perfection), 7 'Izzat (Might), 172 BE - Monday, September 14, 2015 about 5:48 pm Pacific Daylight Time

On the second Monday in September 2015
I contemplate the past few months
of loneliness.

I didn't start feeling the loneliness until about February or March. Then I begin to think about how lonely I am living by myself. I don't like living alone. I don't like living by myself. I want a room mate. I want someone to talk to during the day. I know that I can call people, but talking to someone over the phone isn't the same as talking to them in person.

This butterfly is lonely
she want someone to talk to,
someone to help with the housecleaning,
someone to ride to the store with her.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Coffee on Sunday Morning

Jamal (Beauty), 6 'Izzat (Might), 172 BE - Sunday, September 13, 2015 about 6:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time

An early rising
street lights scatter the darkness
in my neighborhood.

Morning coffee brewed
I open the window blinds
waiting for first light.

Pouring a hot cup
I take a sip and then walk
to the front door, open it.

I stand there watching
as street lights illuminate
Sunrise Avenue.

I say a prayer
giving thanks for the new day
a new week begins.

Sip by sip I watch
dawn illuminate the sky
turn charcoal clouds pink.

I watch a pigeon
fly from tree to roof and then
land in front of me.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thankful Thursday: September 10, 2015

Istijlal (Majesty), 3 ‘Izzat (Might), 172 BE - Thursday, September 10, 2015 around sunset Pacific Standard Time

Today I am thankful...

01. ...that my checking account is not overdrawn.

02. ...for fresh brewed Folgers black silk coffee.

03. ...that I did not break a toe when I dropped a soda can on my foot yesterday.

04. ...for the cane that was given to me because it helps me get up from chairs.

05. ...that I have begun writing about childhood traumas in a more explicate manner because it helps me deal with them.

06. ...for pourable vinegar and oil salad dress from Kraft.

07. ...that I have a workable air conditioner in this apartment because of the triple digit days we are experiencing in Las Vegas.

08. ...for the bottles of frozen water I have in the freezer because I like to drink ice cold water.

09. ...that I have a couple of small bottles of orange juice in the refrigerator.

10. ...for the wonderful neighbors I have.

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Midweek Reflections on Watermelons, Growing Plants and Cleaning Out the Refrigerator

'Idal (Justice), 2 ‘Izzat (Might), 172 BE - Wednesday, September 9, 2015 about 4:16 pm Pacific Daylight Time

As a child, my grandfather grew his own watermelon. He would pick them off the vine, take them into the house, and put them in the refrigerator. I do not grow my own watermelon for two reasons. First, I live in an apartment so I do not have anyplace to grow the watermelon. Second, unlike my grandmother and grandfather, I do not have a green thumb. My grandparents could grow anything, I am lucky if I can grow a cactus without killing it. All right, maybe that is too strong a word.

The point is that no matter how hard I try plants do not grow for me. Someone can give me a plant and it dies. I can water it, according to the directions, it still dies. I can put it in a place where it gets the proper amount of sun and one morning I will go to the plant and find it dead. I cannot grow plants. I do not have a green thumb. Which is why I purchase all my fresh vegetables and fruit.

Anyway, to get back to the watermelon. I have a watermelon to put in the refrigerator. I do not have room in the refrigerator. Just so you know, I was given the watermelon today. This means that I have to clean out the refrigerator and I am not looking forward to it. I started cleaning it out this afternoon.

I had three or four pieces of cooked chicken, so I put that in the stew pot with some water. After the chicken was heated then I took the chicken out and put some vegetables in the the water. Those are cooking now. When that gets done, I will either eat vegetable stew or take the chicken off the bone and have chicken stew. Anyway, with the vegetables and chicken out of the refrigerator I think I have room in the bottom shelf for the watermelon. That will be either my supper tonight (if I am hunger) or my lunch tomorrow.

Monday, September 07, 2015

A Two Carafe Coffee Day

Kamal (Perfection), 19 Asmá’ (Names), 172 BE - Monday, September 7, 2015 about 3:26 pm Pacific Daylight Time

Labor Day
is a two carafe coffee day
the only thing I want to do
is write.

I go to the kitchen,
pour myself another cup of coffee
and then stand at the window
looking out into the street.

I watch children
riding their bicycles
past my window,
I smile
because they are using the sidewalk
rather the riding
them in the street,

It isn't safe
to ride bicycles
in the street
because drivers speed
the wrong
without considerations
for pedestrians
or bicycling children.

Saturday, September 05, 2015

Summary Saturday: A Good Week

Jalal (Glory), 17 Asmá’ (Names), 172 BE - Saturday, September 5, 2015 5:13 pm Pacific Daylight Time

It was a very good week for writing poetry. I completed five poems between August 31 and September 1. I also finished a 600+ word story. I have another poem to complete today if I can figure out the subject. I have considered and rejected two subjects so far today. One of the subjects was about my luck Harley-Davidson cap and the other was about a chartreuse dress which I cannot find so I must have given the dress away because it was either too big or too small.

The theme is something that happened fifteen years ago in 2000. The reason I rejected the Harley cap is because I think I received the cap at a later date. I know I received the cap during an election year, but I cannot remember which one. I think I will go with a wedding subject for this poem because I know I attended a wedding in 2000. That was the year my one of my brothers got married, so Mom and I attended the wedding. Now if I can remember everything that I need to put in the poem I will be find.

The deadline for the poem is September 6 at 9:00 am PDT, so I guess I better get started now that I have decided on the subject. I do not remember having this much trouble with the subject for the other five poems I wrote this week, but then once I write a poem I forget about the difficulties I encounter when I write it. This is probably one of the reasons I continue to write poems.

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Thankful Thursday: The First Thankful Thursday in September 2015

Istijlal (Majesty), 15 Asmá’ (Names), 172 BE - Thursday, September 3, 2015 about 4:03 pm Pacific Daylight Time

It's the first Thankful Thursday in September 2015 and I'm wondering what I have to be thankful for. Then I remember that I have numerous things to put on my gratitude list.

I am thankful that my checking account is not overdrawn.

I am thankful for the bottles of ice I have in the freezer because I like to take cold water with me with I go shopping.

I am thankful that I went to the podiatrist on September 1 to get my toenails cut.

I am thankful for

I am thankful that I can go to a podiatrist to get my toenails cut.

I am thankful for Folgers black silk coffee because it's the best coffee I've ever drink.

I am thankful that I have a working air conditioner in my apartment.

I am thankful for the surveys that come to my e-mail accounts because I ear a little extra money responding to them.

I am thankful that my car started when I went to the supermarket today.

I am thankful for the couch I have to sleep on.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Six Things I like about September

Fidal (Grace), 13 Asmá’ (Names), 172 BE - Tuesday, September 1, 2015 about 6:19 pm Pacific Time

Happy Anniversary

01. September is's fifteenth anniversary
02. September is cooler.
03. September 23 is the first day of Autumn
04. September is National Courtesy Month
05. September is Self Improvement Month
06. September always brings back pleasant memories of my childhood