Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday Summary: At the End of a Hectic Week

Jalal (Glory), 3 Ayyám-i-Há (The Days of Há), 171 BE - Saturday, February 28, 2015 about 8:02 am Pacific Standard Time

The last week in February 2015 was a weird and hectic week. I believe part of the problem concerns the way I go about accomplishing my goals I establish. My housework goals need to bee more concrete, while I need to set a time limit on I know this because of what happened yesterday. I did some port housekeeping and editing in one of my books. I spent a couple of hours (I think) working on the same items and I got so mentally tired at the end that I could not think. When I do this type of work I have to set a time limit so that I have a break between editing sessions.

As for the housework, I am going to follow my mother's example on that. Mom always set a time limit on each task. If she did not get a task finished, such as cleaning out the cupboards, in the time allotted then she would continue the task either later in the day or the next day. Another thing Mom did is list the housekeeping chores she wanted to accomplish or had accomplished during the day (usually before she went to work). Mom always knew what she had finished and what she had to work on the next day or after she got off work. I should have known when she stopped doing this (after she officially retired) that something was wrong

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Midweek Reflections: Sometime Miracles Happen

Idal (Justice), 19 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Wednesday, February 25, 2015 about 5:18 pm Pacific Standard Time

I experienced a miracle today. Yesterday I wrote a shopping list so that I could go to the supermarket today when I went to deposit a check in the bank. This morning I went to get my Senior commodities allotment. I got the food and came home, took it out of my pushcart, and then did some writing before checking the mail. I had not seen the postal deliver person, but I checked the mailbox anyway.

The check I was expecting arrived, so I came back into the house and got ready to go to the store. I thought I had everything in my purse I needed so I took my pushcart and went to the car. Come to find out, I had almost everything in my purse that I needed. I did not have the grocery list. When I put the check in my purse I neglected to put the grocery list in as well.

I went to the bank, deposited the check, and went to t he supermarket. I purchased several items and then came home. Once here I checked the grocery list to see what I had forgotten. I did not forget anything. I purchased every item on the list and then some. Since I purchased all the items on my list I do not have to go back to the supermarket tomorrow for anything.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday's Topic: A Windy Tuesday in Las Vegas

Fiḍal (Grace), 18 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Tuesday, February 24, 2015 about 4:20 pm Pacific Time

Sunday and Monday it rained. Today the wind is blowing. I have been cold for three days, two days because of the rain and one day because of the wind. It is warmer today then the past two days, but now there is a windchill factor. I have not turned the my air conditioning unit on all month because most of the days it was two warm for the heat and not hot enough for the cool air. Even though it was cooler (it felt cold to me) I did not turn the heat on because of the electric bill. I am hoping and praying I can avoid using it until the end of March.

On April 20 or 21 I will turn the unit on long enough to switch from warm air to cool air. I will then turn it back off so that I can enjoy opening my door. I like to have my door open because I can see who passes by my house and I hear the birds singing. The birds have been singing all month so they must think it is spring. I even hear birds sing yesterday when it was so cold out. I am thankful it is not snowing here in Las Vegas because I am not sure I could stand being cooped up in my apartment.

I do not go out much, but I can get out when I want to. If it snowed I would not be about to leave my apartment when I wanted to. The problem is not staying inside but not being able to leave when I want to.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Spiritual Sunday: A Cloudy Sunday

Jamal (Beauty), 16 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Sunday, February 22, 2015 about 11:24 am Pacific Standard Time

Gray-white clouds cover
the beautiful Sunday blue sky
and conceal morning's bright sun.

I give thanks for the cloud cover
and the patches of blue
peeking through.

Breakfast-brunch consumes,
dishes waiting for hot soapy water
and the leftover hotcake batter
waiting for me to decide
if I want an egg
or a spicy chicken patty
to accompany the hotcakes
for an afternoon snack.

I give thanks for the birds
singing in the pine tree
across the street
and for the pigeons
that walk past my front stoop.

A cloudy Sunday morning
is becoming
a cloudy Sunday afternoon.

I give thanks
for a day of rest
and a cup of
hot black coffee.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Saturday Summary: The Weather in Las Vegas, Nevada

Jalal (Glory), 15 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Saturday, February 21, 2015 about 1:23 Pacific Standard Time

There are seven more day in February 2015. There are twenty-seven days until the vernal equinox when winter is transformed into spring. It sounds like spring here in Las Vegas because the birds are singing. It feels like spring with temperatures ranging from the low fifties to the low seventies, but it is still winter. Even this late in the season the temperature could still turn frigid. I am prepared for almost anything.

I have not yet washed and put away my winter sweaters or blankets. I am not sure where I will store them since I do not have a lot of storage in this studio apartment. The storage I do have is out of my reach even with my step stool. I cannot store them in the cart I use to transport my groceries from my car to my apartment. I have three plastic storage containers that I could use, but I have to go through the stuff in them to see what the items are and then I have to figure out what to do with them. This means I will be doing the spring cleaning, which I started this week, until summer solstice arrives.

It takes me so long to do spring cleaning because I have to do it in sections. I clean little bit and then I write a bit. That way I get some writing and cleaning accomplished each day. That may not be the wash one should do it, but that works for me. It takes me longer to get the work accomplish that all right because I like alone. It also may take longer because I do not have anyone to help. There are advantages to doing your housework without someone to assist.

It is 67 degrees with a few scatter clouds. The high today is expected to be 72 degrees. The weather is nice and warm in the afternoons. In the morning the weather is nice and cool. I have not had the warm air on all month. I will turn the cool air on around March 20. which is the date of the vernal equinox this year. Now the only thing to figure out is whether or not I need to get a filter for the central air unit and then how to put it in the unit.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Foodie Friday: Grocery Shopping Memories

Istiqlal (Independence), 14 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Friday, February 20, 2015 about 3:57 pm Pacific Standard Time

I went grocery shopping today. As usual, it wore me out. I remember going grocery shopping with my grandparents and I do not remember them getting worn out from just walking down an aisle in a grocery store. I know that I am not in that good of health, but I do no think I should be this tired after purchasing food. I have to be doing something different then my grandparent to get this tired.

One thing that my grandmother always did, which I do not always do, is make a grocery list. Grandma would make the list the day before and then check it the day she went to make sure she had written down everything she needed or wanted. Another thing my grandparent did was to start at one side of the grocery store then work their way to the other side by going down each aisle. I am a bit more haphazard in my approach to grocery shopping. In fact, I sometimes find myself returning to an aisle because I thought of something that I needed. I have to go grocery shopping again next week, so I will try my grandparents method. I might not get as tired and I could get everything I want in one trip.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thankful Thursday: February 19, 2015

Istijlal (Majesty), 13 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Thursday, February 19, 2015 about 3:16 pm Pacific Standard Time

Today I am thankful...

01. ... that the exterminator came to put traps out in the kitchen for the mouse I saw running through my apartment.

02. ...for coffee because it tastes wonderful while I am composing a blog entry.

03. ...that the February/March 2015 issue of The AARP Magazine arrived today.

04. ...for the bird that has been singing in the pine tree all day.

05. ...that there are beautiful thin white clouds sailing across the blue sky.

06. ..
.for beautiful warm and not hot weather we are experiencing in Las Vegas.
07. ...that I can have my door open so that I can look outside and watch the clouds sailing across the sky.

08. ...for the vegetables I have in the refrigerator to eat as a snack rather then eating sweets.

09. ...that I still have five bottles of ginger ale in the refrigerator to drink with my apple juice.

10. ...for the card I received through the mail today from a friend.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Midweek Reflections: On the Singing of Birds

Idal (Justice), 12 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Wednesday, February 18, 2015 about 5:28 pm Pacific Standard Time

Every morning when I open the door I hear the birds singing. They must think it is spring because they sound so happy. The weather has been nice. It's been so nice that I have not turned the warm air on all month. It is not warm enough to turn the cool air on, so the unit remains off. I suppose I will have to figure out how to put a filter in it this year. I am not looking forward to that, but perhaps if I purchase the filter then the rental agent will send their maintenance person to change it for me.

The birds stop singing after school lets out and the neighborhood children begin to play and make noises. I do not think the birds care for the noise the children make in the late afternoon or early evening. I, on the other hand, enjoy listening to the kids play and make happy noises. It takes my mind off the lonely feeling I sometimes get living by myself. All though I am not as alone as I thought I was.

I had an encounter with a mouse this morning. It was a bit of a shock because I did not think about a mouse or mice getting into my apartment. I knew there were mice in the desert, but I did not think about them getting into my apartment. Now every time I see a shadow out of the corner of my eye I take another look to see if it was a mouse or just a shadow. I called the rental agent so I expect to hear from their exterminator soon.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday's Topic: Rearranging the Freezer

Fiḍal (Grace), 11 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Tuesday, February 17, 2015 about 12:25 pm Pacific Standard Time

Every time I go grocery shopping, I have to rearrange the freezer two or three days later. I do not rearrange it the day I put the items away because I procrastinate. I could give another more logical or illogical reason, but the truth is that I procrastinate when it comes to rearranging the stuff in the freezer. I probably have the rearrange the lower part of the refrigerator as well, but that will h ave to wait a couple more days or a couple more trips to the grocery store.

I have to remove some chicken pieces from their original containers and put them in the Tupperware® meat keepers I have in the freezer. I also have to remove the toaster waffles from their containers and put them in one of the Tupperware® containers I keep in the freezer. My freezer isn't very large so I have to make sure everything is organized so that I can find it when I want something. This means I have to reorganize or rearrange the freezer every couple of weeks or so. Sometimes its a bit inconvenient, which is one of the reasons I don't do it immediately. The other reason is being tired after I get home from the grocery store.

Since I am planning to go to the grocery store either Wednesday or Thursday, I need to rearrange it today so that I can see if I need to purchase more frozen fruit or something like that. After I rearrange the freezer I will take the trash to the alley and I will not have to make two trips.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Meditation Monday: Growing Miracles - A Poem

Kamal (Perfection), 10 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Monday, February 16, 2015 about 12:15 pm Pacific Standard Time

Out of difficulties grow miracles.
Jean de la Bruyere

Valentine's Day is over
and a new week has begun.

The Monday blues
has come and gone
now it is time for a little fun.

I smile because I know
that difficulties grow miracles
that bloom from the stem of faith;
all that is necessary
is to open your mind to
the possibilities.

A mornng spent in prayer
produces a joyful afternoon.

I am not alone
because I have the Lord
and the revealed word.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Spiritual Sunday: Sunday Thoughts about Mood

Jamal (Beauty), 9 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Sunday, February 15, 2015 about 11:55 am Pacific Standard Time

I woke up in a good mood. I recited a prayer and intoned God's Most Great Name. I took my medication, I made a carafe of coffee and then I went to to do some work before eating breakfast. I have to wait about an hour after taking my medication before I can eat. I did some writing and a review before I started breakfast. Sometime after I took my medication and before I ate breakfast my mood began to change. It began to descend into depression.

I fixed breakfast and then I went to YouTube. I listened to Hank Williams Sr singing "I Saw the Light". Next I listed to a couple of Baha'i videos that had some of the prayer set to music. My mood lightened, but then my mood always gets better when I listen to spiritual music. I am in a better mood now so I heated up the soup I have been eating all weekend. I will finish it off today.

As long as I take some time to meditate and pray then my mood will stay positive. That is good because now I am not feeling very well physically. I am not sure what is causing the problem, so I am going to take a break in a few minutes to say the Long Healing prayer. I will not go to the ER or one of the clinics unless I absolutely have to so. If I am still feeling this way tomorrow then I will call one of my doctors to see if I can get an appointment.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Saturday Summary: Happy Valentine's Day

Jalal (Glory), 8 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Saturday, February 14, 2015 about 2:49 pm Pacific Standard Time

I guess it's a Happy Valentine's Day. For someone it's a Happy Valentine's Day. I'm in a mullygrubbing mood today, which means I'm an bit depressed and wanting to collywabble. I think part of the reason for my mood is Valentine's Day. Today is the day for couples to celebrate their togetherness and I am alone.

Being alone on Valentine's Day is no fun. All the couples in the neighborhood are out somewhere doing couple things to celebrate the day and their togetherness. It's been a long time since I had someone to help me celebrate Valentine's Day. It's been a long time since I celebrated Valentine's Day. I'm not in a relationship. I don't even have a secret admire (at least not one that I know about). Sometimes my horoscope mentions my love life and a relationship, but I think that is just wishful thinking on the part of the horoscope.

I haven't received chocolates or roses from anyone in years. I think the thing I miss most about not being part of a couple is the lack of sharing. I don't have anyone to share a carafe of coffee. The only one I have to make breakfast or any other meal for is myself. I like my cooking and I like cooking for myself, but once in a while it would be nice to cook for someone else. It would be nice to have someone to cook for me.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thankful Thursday: What Am I Thankful for Today?

Istijlal (Majesty), 6 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Thursday, February 12, 2015 about 3:23 pm Pacific Standard Time

Normally, I list the things I am thankful for in numerical order. I do not feel like making a list like that today, therefor I will try something a bit different.

I am thankful for
homemade chicken apple soup
tomato garlic spice

I am thankful for
the pine tree across the street
partly cloudy sky

I am thankful for
the police cars that drive passed
afternoon sunshine

I am thankful for
the birds singing in palm trees
hot English black tea

I am thankful for
the sound of children playing
afternoon shadows

I am thankful for
the bright afternoon sunshine
gourmet candy corn

I am thankful for
the sound of the neighbors dog
music through the walls

I am thankful for
the perfume of late winter
the scent of clean clothes

I am thankful for
sound of Harley-Davidson
music to my ears

I am thankful for
pigeons walking past my door
and the new neighbors

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Midweek Reflections: On Late Winter in Las Vegas

Idal (Justice), 5 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Wednesday, February 11, 2015 about 4:50 pm Pacific Standard Time

It doesn't feel like winter in Las Vegas. The temperature today was in the low seventies with scattered clouds. When I went to the grocery store about 10:30 am I wore a light sweater over my dress. I don't think I needed the sweater outside, but I did in the grocery store. It gets a bit nippy in the store especially in the frozen food department. I purchased some frozen berries to go with my breakfast or to eat as a snack.

I looked for some fresh okra or frozen okra, but the store I went to didn't have either. I will have to go to another store further south on Maryland Parkway to get the frozen okra. Maybe I will check at the Mexican supermarket to see if they have fresh okra. I prefer fresh okra, but the fresh frozen works just as well when frying and it's a bit cheaper then the fresh okra. I don't think I will go tomorrow, but you never know.

It is late winter here in Las Vegas, but it feels like early spring or fall. That is why I thought about purchasing okra. When I eat fried okra it reminds me of Oklahoma. My grandfather always planted okra in his garden. My grandmother would fix fried okra as long as we could pick it. I don't remember her canning the okra so I don't purchase canned okra. I can fix the fresh or fresh frozen okra easier, even when I don't fry it, then the canned okra.

I am enjoying the springlike weather here. I just hope it doesn't suddenly get cold because I h ave not turned on the warm air in about seven or eight days. I like it when I don't have to turn on the warm or cold air because I can have the door open most of the day without it getting either too hot or too cold in my apartment.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Meditation Monday: Meditation on Sunset

Kamal (Perfection), 3 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Monday, February 9, 2015 about Sunset Pacific Standard Time

The sunset behind Mount Charleston,
one day ends
as another begins
without fan-fair
or noisy celebration.

As the sunsets
the sky is transformed
from deep blue,
to pale blue,
to off white,
and then to black;
the sky is transformed peacefully
and calmly
from day
into night.

As the sunsets
behind Mount Charleston
the street lights come on
driving darkness outside
their pools of light,
shifts change,
people go home to rest,
but Las Vegas never sleeps.

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Spiritual Sunday: A Beautiful Sunday Afternoon

Jamal (Beauty), 2 Mulk (Dominion), 171 BE - Sunday, February 8, 2015 about 12:13 pm Pacific Standard Time

It is a beautiful Sunday afternoon here in Las Vegas. The birds are singing, the sun is shining, and the sky is a cloudless blue. It sort of reminds me of Sunday in Oklahoma. I remember when Grandpa Frank and Grandma Mary took us to church on Sunday morning and then in the afternoon we would play outdoors. Grandma always fixed fried chicken with mashed potatoes, gravy, creamed peas or spinach, and homemade apple or cherry pie with ice cream for desert. I loved Grandma's creamed spinach and homemade pies.

I remember that on Sunday morning we would attend Sunday school classes and then church services. I enjoyed singing in the choir. Grandpa Frank always smiled when he saw one of my siblings or me singing. This morning, I was on YouTube listening to different renditions of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic". The memory of singing that song came back and I had to smile because I know that my singing voice could never do justice to it, but I like to sing it anyway. I always sing it enthusiastically, which may have been one of the reason I made the choir.

I have not been back to Blackwell, Oklahoma since I left years ago. I used to want to go back and visit, but now I am not sure. I would compare the city the way it is now with the way I remember it. I know if I did that I would be disappointed because the city, like myself, has changed. I am 68 years old and I no longer practice the same religion I did when I was in Blackwell. I still enjoy hearing the songs I sang in church, but I am no longer Southern Baptist.

Friday, February 06, 2015

Foodie Friday: February is National Canned Food Month

Istiqlal (Independence), 19 Sulṭán (Sovereignty), 171 BE - Friday, February 6, 2015 about 3:29 pm Pacific Standard Time

In honor of canned food month I am posting a recipe for vegetable soup made with canned vegetable. When using canned vegetable drain the liquid off before using it in soup or any other recipe because this will cut down on the salt. A friend of mind said she also rinses the vegetables before using them because that helps cut the salt, since I have not tried this I cannot say how well it works, but it is worth a try.

1 can of green beans
1 can of corn
1 can of peas
1 can of mixed vegetables
1 can carrots
1 can potatoes
1 can beans
7 cups of water (that is one cups of water for each can of vegetables). If you want more water then go ahead and add it.
1 to 3 dashes of Tabasco® sauce for each can of vegetables (This depends on how "spicy hot" you want your soup.)
1/4 tsp. of Mrs. Dash® Original Salt-Free Seasoning Blend (If you prefer one of the other Mrs. Dash® blends then go ahead and use it instead.)

Mix all the ingredients into an electric skillet or soup pan and heat. Stir the mixture occasionally until it is hot and then serve it with your favorite crackers or put it over rice.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Thankful Thursday: The first Thankful Thursday in February 2015

Istijlal (Majesty), 18 Sulṭán (Sovereignty), 171 BE - Thursday, February 5, 2015 about 12:00 pm Pacific Standard Time

Today I am thankful...

01. ...that my checking account is not overdrawn.

02, ...for the walnut and maple pancake mix a friend sent me for Christmas. I fixed myself two of the hotcakes this morning for breakfast with an egg. I have enough left over for breakfast on Friday or Saturday.

03. ...that I remembered to get a small bag of flour when I went grocery shopping yesterday. I can now fix fried eggplant properly. The last time I fixed it I did not have the flower to bread it so it did not turn out the way it should.

04. ...for the sale on Folgers' coffee that Smith's Food and Drug had yesterday. I was able to purchase a container of my favorite dark roast for less then normal when I went grocery shopping on Wednesday.

05. ...that I am now able to pay my rent online, which means I do not have to go to the bank or leave the house on the third of each month unless I want to.

06. ...for the check I received through the mail yesterday because it helped me purchase some much needed items.
07. ...that I was able get some snack items (candy and sweets) from one of the food pantries. I have enough to keep my sweet tooth happy for a while so I do not have to spend money on snack items.

08. ...for the jugs of apple juice I have in the refrigerator because now I do not have to purchase juice for a while. This means I can spend money on meat, vegetables, eggs, and other staples.

09. ...that I only have to have the warm air on for a little while in the morning to warm up the house a bit after I get up.

10. ...for the beautiful sunshiny afternoon because it will be warm when I take the trash to the alley.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Midweek Reflections: Handicapped Only Parking places

I don't get upset easily most of the time. However, today I saw something that really pissed me off. It was three young people (by young I mean somewhere in their early to middle twenties) parked in a handicapped only space and went into the grocery store. It was a man and two females. After he got out of the car he pulled his pants up so his butt crack would not show when he was walking into the store. One of the girls (I will not call them women because a woman would not let her man park where he did). All three walked into the store without difficulty.

It is difficult for me to walk, but I have not yet gotten a handicapped placard to put in my car so I do not park in handicapped only spaces. Those spaces are designated for people who have a hard time walking great distances. I know that there are some young people who have problems walking more then 200 yards without stopping to rest. If a person has a medical problem that prevents them from walking a long way then get a placard, but do not use those parking places unless you really need them. There are people who need them and if those spaces are used by healthy people then those who really need them have to either wait until a car moves struggle to walk into the store.


Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Tuesday's Topic: Rearranging Cabinets

Fiḍal (Grace), 16 Sulṭán (Sovereignty), 171 BE - Tuesday, February 3, 2015 about Sunset Pacific Standard Time

I have to rearrange my Cabinets again. The last time I rearranged them I moved everything from the cabinets below the sink because it was difficult to get to t he canned goods. This time, when I wash them out, I will put the paper goods down there. The cabinets in the bathroom are difficult for me to reach without getting up on a stool so I am moving the paper towels and toilet paper to the cabinets below the sink. It is easier for me to bend down and get them then to climb on a stool and then reach above my head to retrieve those items.

I still have to find a place for my cookware, which is setting on top of the stove. I have no idea where I will put those items. If I leave them on top of the stove then I have to move them each time I want to cook something. This apartment is small, almost too small, but I cannot afford anything else. As it is I can barely afford this one without having difficulty paying some of the bills. I have to figure out how to do this, I know if I just work and pray then something will open up or the money will come. I have to increase my income and that is going slowly.

Monday, February 02, 2015

Meditation Monday: Groundhog Day

Kamal (Perfection), 15 Sulṭán (Sovereignty), 171 BE - Monday, February 2, 2015 about 4:44 pm Pacific Standard Time

Punxsutawney Phil, the official prognosticator of spring, saw his shadow today. Another six weeks of winter with everything that goes with it. I am tired of winter! I am tired of the cold penetrating my bones. I am tired of wearing four or five layers of clothing just to keep warm. I am looking forward to spring and my shadow is looking forward to spring. I want to go outside, look up at Mount Charleston and smile because the mountain is not covered by snow.

the white mountain crest
glistens in sunsets gold rays
where is the green grass

I made soup again today because that is the only food that warms me up enough to get through the chilly desert days and cold nights. I will be glad when I can put my sweaters away (if I can find a place to store them in this apartment) and get out the few spring and summer clothes that I have. I thin my shadow and I will go clothes shopping at some of the second hand stores this spring to see if we can find something cool and comfortable to wear. I know that the arrival of spring means summer is coming, but I will deal with summer when it gets here.

six more cloudy weeks
filled with chilly rain and wind
I want warm weather

Sunday, February 01, 2015

Spiritual Sunday: At the Beginning of a New Month

Jamal (Beauty), 14 Sulṭán (Sovereignty), 171 BE - Sunday, February 1, 2015 about 2:32 pm Pacific Standard Time

At the beginning of a new month I sat in my studio apartment listening to the music echoing through the walls. The neighbor is playing his music, which is not spiritual or religious. I am considering getting earplugs so that I do not have to listen to it on Sunday. The music does not enhance or encourage a spiritual feeling. If I could afford something better then I would move, but living on a fixed income I am lucky to afford this place. As it is I am having difficulty paying the power bill.

That is enough complaining especially when it does not change my situation. The only thing I can do is pray and work. I can pray for my neighbor and I can work to increase my income. Eventually my situation will change, but it will not change as long as I continue to complain about it. At 68, I know that nothing stays the same. I know that God will open the way to a better life. I know that I am in this location and situation for a reason; I may not know the reason at this time, but God will reveal it to me as the days, the months, and the year advances.

At the beginning of a new month, I can feel a change approaching. I know that when I feel this way that something in my life has changed. Sometimes I do not know what that change is immediately. Sometimes I can see the change, but this time it is concealed from my eyes. I have to practice faith knowing that my situation is in God's hands and that God will take care of me.