Saturday, December 28, 2013

I ate the last of the leftovers for breakfast

Jalál (Glory), 17 Masá’il (Questions), 170 BE - Saturday, December 28, 2013 about 10:35 AM Pacific Standard Time

I ate the last of the leftovers for breakfast, so I'm going to have to fix something else this afternoon. I'm thinking perhaps a  grilled cheese sandwich with a salad. I purchased stuff for a salad on Thursday, so all I have to do is make it. I'll do that as soon as the dishes by the sink have drained.

I washed my dishes the old fashion way, but I don't dry  them with a towel. I let them drain by the sink and then put them away. It works just as good and since I don't have any dishtowels it's the best way for me to do it. I'll have to purchase some dishtowels in 2014, that way I can dry the dishes and put them away immediately.

Hot soapy water
warms my arthritic fingers
drives away the pain.

I still have a lot of work to do this morning, both online and in the house. Now that  the dishes are done I can focus on something else. I know I have to check Mom's room to see if everything is out of there. Once I do that then I can unplug the light and carry it into the dining room where I'm putting everything I want to take with me. I also need to check the other two bedroom to make sure I don't have anything in their I want to keep.

A New Year coming
a new residence and life
in 2014.

I'm looking forward to the New Year and living some place where I can keep warm without an outrageous power bill. I will be happy if that bill is less then $200.00; I'd like a place where the power and water are paid, but I'll accept a place that has a lower power bill even if I'm still struggling to pay it. I just have to place my faith in God, pray, and keep on keeping on.

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