Thursday, July 31, 2008

Good-by July

Good-by July and hello August. 2008 is passing fast and this butterfly is learning a lot about herself. She is also learning a lot about humanity. People are intriguing and mysterious. They do odd things and they do wonderful things.

Today, July 31, 2008, has been both stressful and relaxing. It's amazing that a day could be both, but that's how things went. True the day isn't over yet and I still have to drive across town to attend the Feast of Kamal this evening.

One thing I learned about myself today is that I'm as stubborn as my father. I'm not sure just yet whether that is good or bad. However, I suspect it depends on the circumstance. Anyway, I think I'm going to use that trait to achieve some goals.

It's wonderful to realize that a trait, like being stubborn, is more then just a genetic marker. I'm now going to look at the other traits I have and determine their positive aspects.

Things I am thankful for on July 31, 2008

Istijlál (Majesty), 19 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Thursday, July 31, 2008 about 6:04 AM PDT

Today is Thankful Thursday and the idea is gratitude. No matter how difficult life gets, once a week an individual can always find something for which to give thanks. On Thankful Thursday, a person lists then gratitude things.

Today I am Thankful for

  1. The prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah
  2. The prayers revealed by The Bab
  3. The prayers written by 'Abdu'l-Baha
  4. Dawn
  5. Getting up before the alarm clock sounds
  6. Coffee
  7. Carrot cake for breakfast
  8. My mother still being with me
  9. The Nineteen Day Feast
  10. The way the morning light shines on my open garage door

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I know better

‘Idál (Justice), 18 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Wednesday, July 30, 2008 about 7:44 AM PDT

I know better then to leave a blog entry for later in the day. If I do that there is about a 90% chance I am not going to get it written or posted. Life inserts itself into our plans. If the goal is to make a blog entry every day, then make the entry in the morning.

If something interesting happens during the day and I want to blog about it, I can make another entry. If I don't have time to make another entry that day, then I need to take notes about the event in my pen and paper journal.

I think I am going to have to start taking notes for blog entries anyway. I have a daily word count goal for each blog. If I make the minimum word count goal for each blog or piece of writing, then I am going to make the total daily word count goal. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is important to make the minimum goal because when I add all the minimums together they add up to the total.

In addition, if I set the goal to write and post in the morning, it pushes me to to wait until I complete the entry to rewrite and polish. In the morning, I have only a specific amount of time to write. I can write a blog entry in about thirty minutes, with spelling corrections included. However, I cannot stop and make corrections while I am composing the entry. Once I complete the entry, with any additions and spelling corrections I need then I can post the entry and get on with the next item on my agenda.

Monday, July 28, 2008

I think I take after my Grandmother

Kamál (Perfection), 16 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Monday, July 28, 2008 about 2:20 AM PDT

I have mentioned before about my Grandma Newland and her sleeplessness. Grandma would get up and do housework when she could not sleep. Lately, I have found it difficult to sleep through the night. Two or three mornings a week, I find myself getting up two or three hours before the alarm sounds.

I do not do housework instead; I say prayers, write and blog. This morning I did make an exception to not doing housework. I put a load of laundry in the washer because I needed cloths to wear to work. After I dry the cloths, then I can get ready for work. Laundry is the only housework I will do when I cannot sleep.

The advantage of blogging early in the morning is completing the entries before I go to work. The disadvantage is that sometimes my muse does not get up at the same time as I get up. This can be a problem, especially when I do not plan an entry ahead of time. Perhaps I should try planning daily blog themes ahead again.

I tried that before and found it tedious. However, I could take another approach this time. Instead of having a specific theme for a specific day, I could just keep a list of themes or titles and mark them off as I use them. I will try that during Kamal (Perfection), which begins at sunset on July 31. I can make a list of about nineteen titles to use during the month of Kamal and then use them only if I need a theme.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Summer Session ends on July 29

I have two more days of work before the summer session ends. I go back to work in three weeks. I can ask for an assignment at some place that is still open, I could really use the three weeks to get caught up on things around here. However, the money will come in handy.

If I decide to take the three weeks off, I won't work during the first nineteen days of August. The only exception to that is on primary election day, which is August 12, when I will work the polls. There is still the on line work, but money for that won't come in until after the fall semester starts.

I'm going to have to decide by Wednesday, at the latest. I'll probably decide to ask for another assignment. I don't see any way clear to take off that long. I'll just have to do the other work the way I'm doing it now.

Apple Sauce on Sunday Morning

Jamál (Beauty), 15 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Sunday, July 27, 2008 about 9:19 AM PDT

It's Sunday and I'm eating apple sauce for breakfast. I don't remember eating apples sauce for breakfast as a child. Actually, my grandmother or mother, who ever fixed breakfast, always fixed eggs, bacon or sausage, hot cake or cereal and milk or juice to drink.

This is a better breakfast then I usually eat my breakfast usually of leftovers, candy, or cake. I don't have kids in the house, so I don't have to be a good example. I eat whatever is quick and easy. I don't like going to a lot of trouble for my breakfast, but Mom's breakfast is a different story.

Mom likes peanut butter, so she normally eats a peanut butter sandwich with her cereal. I don't know anyone who likes peanut butter the way my mother does. If I let her she would eat it for every meal. Sometimes Mom has jelly with her peanut butter, plus cereal and milk.

Mom doesn't eat a lot of apples or apple sauce. Perhaps once or twice a month she will have one or the other. She won't have both though, if she eats apple sauce she doesn't drink apple juice.

This morning Mom is having mixed fruit with something else. She fixes her own breakfast, so I normally don't know what she is eating until I check look. I think I'll go in the kitchen and see what Mom's fixing. While I'm there I'll get me another little dish of apples sauce and coffee.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I Like Red Onions

Jalál (Glory), 14 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Saturday, July 26, 2008 about 1:21 PM PDT

I like red onions. I like them sliced very thin on a hamburger with dill pickles and salad dressing. I like them chopped on a hotdog with sweet relish and mustard. I like them chopped and put in a dinner salad. I like them chopped and cooked with fried potatoes.

My grandmother fried potatoes with red onions in them. When she made hamburger for my siblings and myself, she sliced red onions for our hamburgers. Grandma chopped red onions for hotdogs and salads. I know where I picked up my taste for red onions with my food. What I want to know, is where did I pickup the taste for raw red onions without any other food to go with them.

I love eating a slice of raw red onions by themselves no salad dressing, no hamburger, no hot dog, no salad, just a plain slice of raw red onion. Naturally, this is not something I eat everyday. I usually eat a slice of raw onion on Saturday or Sunday, when I know I am not going to leave the house. After I eat a slice red onion I brush my teeth several times.

Not only would I like to know where I picked up the taste for red onions this way, but I would like to know if it is a common taste. I have never heard anyone talk about this particular taste before. I have had conversations with other people about different foods, but the subject of eating slices of raw red onions by them has never come up.

Friday, July 25, 2008

In the Weary Morning

Istiqlál (Independence), 13 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Friday, July 25, 2008 about 4:40 AM PDT

I was really tired when I went to bed last night about 10:30 PM. Somewhere between 11:15 PM and 1:15 AM, my doorbell ring three times. I woke up from a sound sleep, set straight up and looked around. Then I got up and went to the front door. I looked out the door's window, my front door has a nice little window and not a peep hole. There was no one standing on my front stoop, so I opened the door. I had locked the screen door from the inside before I went t bed.

The only things I saw, were the trashcans setting under the stone pine tree. The trashcans were setting there before I went to bed last night. I then went to the living room and looked out the window. My car was still setting in the driveway, so I got the keys, unlocked the screen door and went out to the car. I rolled up the car windows, checked to see that Mom's walker was still in the back seat and locked the car. I lock the car before sunset from now on.

I still don't know whether I actually heard the doorbell or if it was part of a dream. I've been having some really intriguing dreams lately. Wednesday I dreamed I heard my sister's voice in the house she was talking to Mom. Thursday I dreamed there was a big wind and it destroyed some cactus Mom had in the backyard (there are no cactus in the backyard except in my dreams). Last night I dreamed about people doing something and then the doorbell ring.

I don't think the doorbell was part of my dream, but you never know. When I went outside to roll up the car windows and lock the car, I heard police sirens. Of course, sirens aren't anything unusual in Las Vegas, we hear them all the time. Still the events of last night was disturbing, unfortunately I won't be able to take a nap until late this afternoon.

Before I went back to sleep I said a prayer of protection. I said a prayer before I went to sleep the first time, but I don't remember if it was a protection prayer. Another thing I am going to do every night before going to bed. I will say one the protection prayer revealed by the Bab.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Grandfather Drank Cowboy Coffee

Istijlál (Majesty), 12 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Thursday, July 24, 2008 about 6:35 AM PDT

My grandfather drank cowboy coffee and my grandmother drank hot tea. I remember my grandfather making coffee the first thing in the morning. He made it in a percolator and used five scoops of coffee grounds.

Grandpa did not remove the percolator's basket after brewing the coffee. Unless he made another pot of coffee, he left the basket, with the grounds still in it in the pot all day long, Grandpa would strong drink coffee all day long. All day long, the percolator would perk and the coffee would get stronger and stronger. At various intervals throughout the day, Grandpa would come into the house, sit down at the kitchen table, pour himself a cup of coffee and sip it, while he read the paper or talked to Grandma.

Each day, Grandpa would drink his last cup of coffee before going to bed. He would not go to bed until he finished the coffee in the pot. The next morning he would get up, after a good nights sleep and make a fresh pot of coffee. Grandpa drank coffee, strong enough to walk under its own power, all day long and had no trouble sleeping. Grandma had difficulty sleeping all night, when she woke up and could not get back to sleep she cleaned house. Grandpa would lay in bed snoring away while Grandma cleaned house and sometimes ran the vacuum cleaner.

I learned to drink coffee from my Grandfather. Sometimes he would pour my siblings and me some coffee and give it to us to drink. When he gave us coffee he put cream and sugar in our coffee, but I remember him drinking his coffee black. I eventually stopped putting cream and sugar in my coffee; I like my morning coffee black without cream or sugar. When I go to a coffee house and get a specialty coffee, sometimes I have it with cream and sugar, but I always drink my morning coffee without cream and sugar. In addition, I like my coffee strong.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Midweek and Midmonth Reflections

‘Idál (Justice), 11 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Wednesday, July 23, 2008 about 2:41 AM PDT

Kalimat (Words) is half over, the Feast of Kamal (Perfection) will occur on July 31, 2008. I have did good when it comes to achieving the daily word count goal for the Month of Words. The July edition of the Fantasy newsletter, which I am responsible for, comes out today. I have started considering subjects for the August edition. I am working on my procrastination problem.

A part of transformation process is overcoming faults or changing bad habits. Now I am not sure whether procrastination is a fault or a bad habit. Until recently, I have considered it a fault, but that opinion is changing. I am beginning to think it is a bad habit, which I have to change. A fault is something I have to overcome, but a bad habit is something I have to change. All right, that is just a personal opinion.

Changing a bad habit is not easy, but it is an essential process for the soul to grow and develop. I cannot change a bad habit overnight. It is necessary to replace the bad habit with a good habit. For instance, I cannot just stop procrastinating rather I have to replace the inaction of procrastination with action. I have to do what I was putting off, therefore instead of waiting until the last minute to do the newsletter I am working on it now by doing a little bit of it at a time.

There is an aspect of procrastination I have not discussed and that is the fear component. Fear is a part of procrastination and there is only one way to overcome this component. I have found that the only way, I can overcome the fear is by placing my entire trust in God. In addition, I have found that putting my trust in God attracts the assistance of God.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Slowly I Emerge from My Cocoon

Fidál (Grace), 10 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Tuesday, July 22, 2008 about 4:13 AM PDT

Slowly I emerge from my cocoon, writing about the process of transformation both on and off line. In my off line journal, I write letters to the eternal beloved. I write letter to the Glory of God recording the changes that occur in my thought processes and opinions about myself.

The process of transformation is the process of becoming my true self. The process of transformation is difficult for both my soul and my ego. My ego must move beyond itself and accept my eternal soul as its partner in this life.

My human ego does not see beyond the wants and the needs of the body housing it and the soul. I am a dual natured creature, with both a body and a soul. My soul, sometimes referred to as my spirit survives my body. In the next world, my soul has only the spiritual attributes it has developed in this life. Those attributes go with my soul when it passes into the next world.

During the process of transformation, my soul develops these spiritual attributes during a series of tests, tests meant to strengthen those divine attributes that my soul possesses. My soul is a gift from God and created in the image of God. That is my soul is a divine creation and has spiritual characteristics such as faith, love, creativity, etc. My soul must develop these attributes must be developed soul is living in this world.

In order for these attributes to develop, a series of tests and difficulties confront me and help my soul to use and strengthen these divine characteristics. My ego bulks because it does not want to consider anything beyond the wants and needs of the body. However, the soul knows that these tests and difficulties are for its own good and assist it in emerging from the cocoon of matter in which those attributes are developed and strengthened like the wings of a butterfly.

NOTE: These paragraphs explain my understanding of the process of transformation at this time in my life.

Monday, July 21, 2008

I Am Going to Try Something Different This Week

Kamál (Perfection), 9 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Monday, July 21, 2008 about 4:52 AM PDT

I am going to try something different this week. I am going to attempt to make my blog entries early in the day rather then waiting until afternoon. I work until about 1:30 PM or so, therefore I usually wait until I get off to get online. However, this week I am going to attempt to get on line when I first get up in the morning.

My morning routine usually consists of getting up and then taking my thyroid pill. After that, I say prayers, make coffee and put a load of cloths in the washer and then the dryer. That done I wait for Mom to get up so that we can have breakfast and I can lay out her morning pills. Mom wants me to get her up when I get up, but she does not sleep well at night. Therefore, I let her sleep in the morning.

This is going to be busy week. I have phone calls to make Monday and Tuesday, which means I have to keep the phone line open to make them. I have a telephone hook-up to the Internet, so I cannot use the phone when I am online and no one can get me when I am online. I have to keep the line open in to get return phone calls.

Therefore, instead of waiting until I get home from my other job to get online to make blog entries I am going to make them earlier in the day. This will push me of a morning, especially on Wednesday when I take the trash to the curb. However, since there are bags of yard trash sitting at the curb I am not going to worry about getting any other trash out this Wednesday.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Remembering my Grandmother on Sunday Morning

Jamál (Beauty), 8 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Sunday, July 20, 2008 about 6:38 AM PDT

On Sunday morning, my Grandma Newland always went to church. She went to a Southern Baptist Mission in Blackwell, Oklahoma. The littler church was located in the Smelter Heights in what many considered the wrong side of the tracks. The rail roadtracks separated the Heights from the rest of Blackwell.

On Sunday morning, Grandma would get up, take her shower, get ready for church and then get the rest of us up (if we weren't already up). Grandma would put on her apron and fix breakfast for us. After breakfast, before leaving for church, she would wash the breakfast dishes and put them away. This done, Grandma would make sure we were all ready to go. My grandparents and four kids would get into Grandpa's car (usually a Ford or a Chevy) and Grandpa would drive us to the little mission, which the First Southern Baptist Church built in the Smelter Heights.

On Sunday morning, Grandma would set at one end of the pew, Grandpa at the other end and we four children between them. This is where my memory gets a bit fuzzy, because I can't remember whether Sunday school was before the preaching or afterwards. However, I think Sunday school was after the church service, which included preaching, singing and praying. After church, we went home and Grandma fixed the noon meal.

Grandma always fixed a huge meal for the Sunday lunch. She fixed mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, salad, southern fried chicken, and desert, which was usually a pie Grandma made from scratch. If we had pie for desert then there was ice cream to go on the pie.

I am no longer Southern Baptist and I haven't been back to Blackwell in over thirty years. Yet I still remember Grandma on Sunday morning sitting beside me in a wooden pew. Grandma taught me that I didn't have to wait until Sunday to pray. Grandma helped me learn the Lords Prayer and the Twenty Thirds Psalms, both of which I still remember.

Another thing I remember from my childhood. I could memorize prayers and scripture verses much easier then I can today. It takes me longer to memorize scripture verses today then it did then. I still work at memorizing them, but now I have to review them everyday or every other day or I forget the verse. Right now I'm working on memorizing prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah, the Bab and 'Abdu'l-Baha. I have the some prayers memorized that I read everyday, but it takes longer to memorize a prayer.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday in Las Vegas reviewing Friday

Jalál (Glory), 7 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Saturday, July 19, 2008 about 6:44 PM PDT

It has been an interesting week. Thursday I took Mom to the bank to deposit a check. In the bank we met an elderly gentleman, who said the safest place for money was in a safety deposit box. I would not have thought so much about it except when I went into a bank branch in a grocery store on Friday we met the same man.

In the grocery store I found a brand new penny lying face up on the floor. After we left the grocery store, I took Mom to her bank to make a deposit. I found another brand new penny lying face up. I am not sure whether it was a coincidence or not, I am still trying figure that out. I am not sure whether I actually believe in coincidences. However, it does give me something to consider.

An old superstition says finding a penny lying face up is good luck. If that old superstation is true, which I doubt, does finding two pennies lying face up double the good luck. When a penny is dropped it can fall either heads or tails up. Each penny that is dropped has a fifty percent chance of landing heads up and a fifty percent chance of landing tails up.

All finding the two pennies means is that I can finally start a project, which has been on the back burner since March 21, 2008 (this time around). I could not start the project until I found a penny on the ground. Now that I have found two pennies in one day, not only can I start the project, but also I can advance to "level" two. No, I am not going to say what the project is at this point. I will write more about it later, when I have more money in the "kitty". I have attempted this project a couple of times before, but never gotten very far. Therefore, it will be interesting to see if I can continue to the final "level" of the project.

Friday, July 18, 2008

I have to read my e-mail more then once a week

Istiqlál (Independence), 6 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Friday, July 18, 2008 about 7:10 PM PDT

I have to read my e-mail more then once a week or once every two to three days. The last time I actually read any of my e-mail was on Wednesday of this week. That could be why my e-mail box is cluttered. If I dealt with it on a daily basis then maybe I could keep the inbox uncluttered, never mind the junk or spam folder.

I can just imagine what my grandparents would say about that, not that e-mail existed when they were still alive. If computers and e-mail had existed then, my grandfather would have had a computer and an e-mail account. He would probably have had a yahoo account. I have three e-mail accounts. I suppose I could do with just two, but the yahoo account is free and I just can't make myself drop it.

I am in the process of simplifying my life. E-mail doesn't encourage a simple life. The big problem with e-mail is spam. Yahoo calls its junk mail folder "SPAM". I like that because that is what most of the e-mail in that folder is. Normally, I go through the spam folder and move mail I want to read to my in-box. The problem is that I don't think I've read my yahoo mail since Wednesday either. I'm tempted to do a mass delete of my inbox and begin fresh with an empty box.

I've tried for several months to unclutter my e-mail boxes and unsubscribe e-mail items. The more stuff I un subscribe to the more spam I seem to get. I don't know if those two phenomena are related, but they appear so. Uncluttering is part of the transformation process I am going through right now. It is a test that I am facing and I'm beginning to wonder if I'm passing it.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Need a Vacation

Istijlál (Majesty), 5 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Thursday, July 17, 2008 about 7:15 PM PDT

Sunset of another humid day approaches. Another humid rainless day is drawing to a close. It rained yesterday, but not today. The weather person predicted rain when I watched the news this afternoon.

Sunset of another humid day approaches and I need a vacation. I am not going to get one, I will be lucky to get out of town. It is my own fault of course. My not getting a vacation is a combination of my tendency to procrastinate and my own lack of planning. I realized this a few days ago, but it takes a few days for me to write about epiphanies. I have to let the lesson settle in.

All right, so I will not get a vacation this year. That does not mean I cannot relax. I can relax right here in Las Vegas. My last day of work is July 29 and classes do not start again until August 25. During that time I can take a short local vacation. There are lost of places to go in and around Las Vegas. I just do not want to take a local vacation. I want to go out of town, I want to go out of state, I want to go out of the country.

I want to get away by myself and still have access to the Internet. I want to go some place that has indoor plumbing. I do not want to go fishing, because as much as I enjoy fresh fish; I do not like cleaning them. I do not want to go camping, unless it is somewhere with a cabin, indoor plumbing, a hot shower and Internet access.

Since I am not going to get out of Las Vegas, I guess the next best thing is to find a short day trip here in town. Actually, what I need to do is get a way for an hour or two by myself, which is impossible. Therefore, I guess the next best thing to do is to go on one of the roller coasters, while my mother watches. Mom does not want to go on the roller coaster, but she does enjoy watching me ride on them.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It Rained Today

‘Idál (Justice), 4 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Wednesday, July 16, 2008 about 6:04 PM PDT

Finally it rained. It didn't rain a great deal. It rained just enough to leave a small puddle in my driveway and to wash some of the dirt off my car. It rained just enough to flood one of the streets in a section of Las Vegas where they are building new homes. The water in that area covered enough of the street to cause traffic to slow down.

It rained today. It waited until I came home from work and it rained. I suppose this is a lesson in patience. Sixteen days in to July, sixteen days into the monsoon season and it rained. This just goes to prove that if you wait and pray long enough from something, then it is going to occur, at least, when it comes to the weather anyway. However, I suspect that lesson applies to anything in a person's life.

It rained today. The humidity is still a bit high, but not noticeable in the house. There is still a cloud cover, which promises more rain to come. The weatherperson didn’t predict any more rain, but the clouds look as if it could rain again any minute.

Before it rained today, I heard a few claps of thunder. I didn't see any lightening, but I heard thunder. I heard the rain hitting the cement and the roof. I stood in my front door and I watched the rain. I even made an entry in my gratitude journal about the rain.

It rained today
showers fell on Las Vegas,
making the day cooler
and giving the sweltering city
much needed relief.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I eat brown eggs for supper

Fidál (Grace), 3 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Tuesday, July 15, 2008 7:54 PM PDT

I picked up my senior food allotment today. Among other things I got a package of brown eggs. It's been a long time since I had brown eggs. When I go to the store and buy eggs for myself, I usually get the ordinary white eggs. It isn't that I like those eggs better, it's just that I pick up the first package of eggs for the least cost that I see and they are usually white eggs. I have to look through the dairy case to find the brown eggs because they are not at eye level.

I don't know that the brown eggs taste any different from the white eggs, they don't look any different on the inside. I don't know if the brown eggs are better for me then the white eggs, I haven't investigated that. I'll have to look into that and see, but I doubt that there is all that much difference in the nutritional value of brown eggs over white eggs.

What I do know, is that my grandmother had a chicken that laid brown eggs. My grandmother raised chickens and we had fresh eggs everyday for breakfast when I was growing up. I don't eat eggs for breakfast anymore. I prefer my eggs for lunch or dinner, unless I go to a restaurant for breakfast and then I order bacon and/or sausage with my eggs. I think the next time I buy eggs in the grocery store I'm going to look a little harder for the brown eggs because eating them brings back memories of my grandparent.

It's amazing what a person learns about herself as she grow older and wiser, but then that's part of what transformation is about. We learn about ourselves and then we attempt to change our bad habits. Sort of like buying eggs in the grocery store, you have to look higher on the dairy shelf for the brown eggs.

Monday, July 14, 2008

My Grandmother made whipped cream from scratch

Kamál (Perfection), 2 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Monday, July 14, 2008 about 6:14 AM PDT

I attended the Feast of Kalimat (Words) yesterday at 7:00 PM. The lady who served refreshments made cake and whipped cream from scratch. I watched her pour the heavy cream into a bowl and then put in vanilla and sugar. After that she took out an electric hand mixer, plugged it in and whipped the cream. When the cream was whipped, we put it on a cake she made from scratch.

This brought back memories of my Grandma Newland, who made whipped cream from scratch. To this day, I can remember Grandma making whipped cream. She did not use an electric mixer though (at least, not in the memories I have). Grandma used an old fashion hand mixer and turned a handle by hand to whip the cream.

I could probably make whipped cream, if I had the proper equipment. Actually, I may have an old fashion hand mixer in a drawer in the kitchen I will have to check. I know I do not have an electric mixer, at least I do not think I do. I have not seen an electric mixer in this house since we moved in. If we have one, I have put it away where I cannot find it.

An electric hand mixer would be nice; when I make cakes, I use a mix and bake the cake in a Microwave oven. All right, my grandmother might find it odd, but on the other hand she could just as easily attempt it.

Grandma used all the modern connivances she could get. My grandfather would buy her anything she wanted. He would buy her modern connivances even when she did not ask for them. Grandpa always wanted the latest technology and gadgets.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Theme for the Month is Words

Jamál (Beauty), 1 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Sunday, July 13, 2008 about 6:24 AM PDT

The theme for the month, for the next nineteen day, is words; writing them and speaking them. All right, I'm not a talker, I don't think I've ever been a talker; I listen, but I don't talk a lot. However, I'm going to talk a little more during the month of Kalimat.

I've set daily word count goal for my writing. During the past few months I haven't made the daily goals on a consistent basis. During these nineteen days, I'm going to focus on making those daily goals. One of the things I'm going to do, is finish a novel I'm working on. In addition, to the novel I'm going to finish at least one short story. Actually, I should finish more then one because I have seven ideas for short stories.

I'm working on a poetry manuscript called Year of the Poem, which consists of a daily poem written between March 21, 2008 and March 20, 2009. In addition, to the already mentioned projects, I'm want to make a daily entry in this blog. However, the other writing projects take priority, so I may have to reconsider the daily entries in this blog and make the entries every other day. I'll see; at the end of the nineteen day, I will reevaluate the writing goals and decide if I need to change anything.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Grandfather burned His Trash Once a Week

Jalál (Glory), 19 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Saturday, July 12, 2008 about 6:34 AM PDT

Grandpa would empty the indoor trashcans everyday into a large metal container that set in the alley. Once a week, usually on Friday, he would burn the contents of that container. He burned it on Friday because the city picked up the trash on Saturday and he wanted to make sure there were no hot embers to catch the truck on fire. No on is allowed to burn trash anymore or even leaves in the fall.

This is trash pick-up day in my neighborhood and I'm not taking any trash to the curb. Not because I don't have any to take, but because the plastic sacks I put the trash in aren't full. It's a waste of money to put half-full plastic sacks in the cans and carry them out to the curb. My grandparents never had that problem because Grandpa carried the containers to the alley and emptied them in a barrel. It didn't matter if the barrel were full because Grandpa would burn its contents anyway.

I'm glad that individuals don't burn their own trash anymore. That is something I wouldn't like to do. I won't even light a fire in my fireplace; so I know I wouldn't burn the trash in a large metal container like my grandfather did. I'm lucky to get the small aluminum trashcans in the garage carried out once or twice a week. I think I'm going to have to go back to taking them out the night before the trash is picked up. It's much easier that way and I don't have to worry about interrupting my morning by take trash to the curb.

Friday, July 11, 2008

My Mother says I worry Too Much

Istiqlál (Independence), 18 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Friday, July 11, 2008 about 5:00 AM PDT

My mother says I worry too much and she is right. She especially gets upset when she thinks or knows I am worrying about her. For some reason Mom does not think I should worry about her. All her life she has worried about my siblings and me, but she gets upset when I worry about her. Perhaps, I am handling the situation wrong. Instead of letting her know I worry about her I should just say a prayer of protection for her or better yet the Long Healing Prayer revealed by Baha'u'llah.

I am attempting to say the prayer every day, either in the morning or in the evening. Perhaps I should start reading it aloud when Mom is in the room. Mom enjoys reading and hearing that particular prayer. So perhaps I need to wait until she gets up of a morning to read it with Mom in the room and loud enough for her to hear.

There are several prayers Mom enjoys reading several prayers, but she cannot see too well. She has a magnifying glass, which helps a little. She does need new glasses; come to think of it I need new glasses as well. However, with my mother I think there may be another problem besides glasses with her eyes. Of course, I could be jumping to conclusions; I do have a tendency to jump to conclusions. I also have a tendency to see the worse case scenario in every event that occurs in my life. Therefore, I have to be careful about jumping to conclusions.

Well, I think I will post this now. Mom is awake and the coffee is made so, I think I will get her up and see if she wants something to eat with her coffee.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Changing my Introduction

‘Idál (Justice), 16 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Wednesday, July 9, 2008 about 5:42 PM PDT

I have gone through a lot of stress and changes in the past year or so. Because of this and having two blogs on blogger, both showing the same profile, I have decided to change my introduction. I want the introduction to reflect the main goal of each blog, while revealing something about me.

The goal of this blog, Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon, is transformation and spirituality. I have notices in the past that some of the entries did not appear to stick to this theme. However, since every component of a person's life is connect everything that happens to an individual assists in the transformation of the soul. This is because the individual human is a spiritual being having a material or physical experience.

The other blog, Poet 999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff is a mixed genre writing blog. The goal of that blog is to improve my writing, while at first glance some of the entries may not have anything to do with writing, all the entries, in some way, help me improve my skills as an author and writer.

The new introduction will state the main goal of each blog. In addition, I am going to add a few facts about myself. After that the individual entries in each blog will periodically give other information about myself and my life that is pertinent to the entry and theme of the blog. I think that is all I have to write at this time. Now I have to post this and rewrite my profile.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Tomorrow is Trash Pick-up Day

Fidál (Grace), 15 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Tuesday, July 8, 2008 about 6:27 PM PDT

Tomorrow Wednesday, July 9, 2008, is trash pick-up day in my neighborhood. Trash pick-up days, which occur on Wednesday and Saturday, are always challenges for me. I never seem to get all the trash out to the curb. Of course, I only have four small aluminum trashcans and not a large plastic one that rolls.

I have to lug my cans to the curb rather then roll them, so that is a bit of a challenge itself. Rolling a plastic trash container to the curb is much easier then carrying an aluminum trashcan. Sometimes those cans get heavy and I don't like to carry them out in the dark. That means I have to either take them out the night before or wait until the sun comes up.

Taking the trash out on Wednesday and Saturday mornings is not a problem in spring or summer, but it is in fall and winter. In spring and summer the sun comes up before 7:00 AM, so I can get the trashcans out between 6:00 and 6:30 AM. In fall and winter, when there is a later sunrise I have to take the trashcans out the night before, which is only a problem if it is windy.

Fortunately, it is summer now therefore I can wait until morning to take the trashcans to the curb. I like this because it encourages me to get my morning started early. Tomorrow I will make coffee as soon as I get up and not wait until later in the morning. My alarm clock is set at 4:00 AM, but many mornings I get between 3:00 and 3:30 AM. I usually wait until either 4:00 or 5:00, depending on when I get up, to make the coffee, but on trash collection day I have to get going so that I can get the trashcans carried to the curb.

Monday, July 07, 2008

I’m fighting the down feeling today

Kamál (Perfection), 14 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Monday, July 7, 2008 about 7:34 AM PDT

I'm fighting the down feeling today. I'm not sure why I'm feeling down, but I'm feeling that way. There could be several reason's I'm feeling that way, none of which I'm ready to list at this time. The problem is I can thank of too many reasons I'm down. It doesn't do any good to list them, because when I do that the list becomes endless. This morning I can't deal with an endless list of depressing items.

I find that if I write about the darkness then sometimes it goes away; that's why I have an off line journal called Writing My Spiritual Journey. However, this morning I've already made an entry in that journal, so I'm not going to make another entry until after I've completed all the writing goals or assignments for July 7, 2008. That's why I'm writing about being depressed in this entry. I usually don't write about being down in this blog.

Another thing I do when I'm feeling down is say prayers. I pray every day, of course, but when I'm down I make a special effort to say specific prayers. Most of the prayers are reveal by Baha'u'llah or The Bab, however, there is one prayer written by 'Abdu'l-Baha that I say. The prayer by 'Abdu'l-Baha has to do with laying everything in God's hand.

Prayer helps me when I'm down. Writing helps me when I'm down. Perhaps that's what I need to do. I need to list everything that helps when I'm down. Instead of listing an endless group of unhappiness, I need to list the things that give me happiness. I hadn't thought of that before, but that's why I make journal entries when I'm down. Writing helps me think. Writing changes my mood. Writing helps me focus. Writing, like prayer, assist in transformation or at least it does for me. Writing assist me to see where I need to change and the areas that need the most work.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

My Washing Machine Dances

Jamál (Beauty), 13 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Sunday, July 6, 2008 about 6:08 AM PDT

My mornings started on an interesting note. I say prayers, make coffee and put a load of cloths in the washer. My washing machine dances when it enters the spin cycle. The machine isn't level and so nine loads out of ten it moves in the spin cycle.

I know it moves because the cloths are out of balance. The unlevel machine and the out of balance load cause it to dance. I used to stand against it when it went into the spin cycle, but I don't anymore. Now I put something between the washer and the dryer to prevent it from crowding the dryer. Also after each load, when the washer is empty, I move the machine back into place.

I know there is something I can get to keep the machine in balance. Anyway, someone told me there was something. He said all I had to do was go to a hardware store, get the object and then put it under the washer. I'll have to get the object this year sometime because I can't continue physically moving the washer back into place.

It's either get the washing machine back into balance or under load the machine. I'm not one of those people who under load a washing machine. I go the opposite direction; I overload the machine, which means the cloths don't get completely dry in first time through the dryer.

My washing machine dances,
with almost every load of cloths I wash
it moves across the floor;
now all I have to do is find
the proper waltz to accompany it
and I have a dance partner for the rest of my life.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Morning Prayers and Transformation

Jalál (Glory), 12 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Saturday, July 5, 2008 about 5:47 AM PDT

It is going to be a busy day, so morning prayers are essential. A day, just as the transformation of the individual, does not go well without prayers. Prayers, like a cup of coffee in the morning, start the day out on a positive note.

My soul awakens to the rising sun,
intones God's most great name
and then whispers to my mind the joy
of another day to proclaim God's ancient name.

Prayer awakens the soul and calls it into a new day. Each day of earthly life is another chance for the soul to develop its spiritual attributes. Each day is another opportunity for the individual to grow closer to God. Each day is a gift, which the soul unwraps second by second in its journey toward sunset.

Each day brings new hope to the prayerful soul. Prayer is the soul's breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midday snake. Prayer helps the soul grow and develop this is transformation. The soul grows and develops throughout the individual's life, if the individual allows it. Each new dawn brings tests and difficulties, these assist the soul to acquire spiritual attributes. Spiritual attributes are the soul's wings and clothing in the next world.

Prayer and meditation in the morning helps the soul deal with the problems of the advancing day. While the individual may have several different goals to achieve during the day, the soul's goal is to make today better then yesterday. The soul's goal is to reflect the attributes of God more clearly and brighter then yesterday. The soul cannot achieve its goals without prayer and meditation. The soul's desire is to know, love and worship God; developing and reflecting spiritual attributes helps the soul achieve its goals and desires.

Friday, July 04, 2008

A Fourth of July Tradition

Istiqlál (Independence), 11 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Friday, July 4, 2008 about 9:32 PM PDT

For my mother and I, watermelon is a Fourth of July tradition. This year I bought two individual watermelons. I cut the first one this morning and we ate it while watching T.V. I'll cut the other melon this afternoon or this evening. When we eat individual watermelons, we divide the melon between the two of us. That way there is none left to put in the fridge and forget about.

When I was a child, in Blackwell, Oklahoma, my grandfather grew his own watermelon. We ate huge watermelons all summer long. Now, however, I don't like having large watermelons in the fridge, because they take up too much room. The smaller individual watermelons are enough for Mom and me.

Another advantage is that I don't have to have the entire kitchen counter empty to cut them on. To cut an individual watermelon, I need only a small area and a sharp knife, nothing more. I cut the watermelon and put them on the plastic disposable plates. I remember, my grandparents always used paper plates for the watermelon when we had them outdoors. When grandpa cut a watermelon indoors, we used ordinary dinner plates to put them on.

The thing I find most interesting about family traditions is how they change, yet remain the same throughout the generations. Growing up we ate watermelon on the Fourth of July, no matter where we celebrated Independence Day, we ate watermelon. We sit off fireworks as well as grilled, but a cold watermelon on the Fourth was the common thread in all our family celebrations.

The grilling was never the same from year to year. Sometimes we grilled outside on a portable grill. Sometimes Grandma Newland would fix us a picnic basket to take with us and sometimes we cooked dinner on a stove in a mobile home (my grandparents had one at Lake Blackwell). However, we always ate an ice cold watermelon no matter how the Fourth of July dinner was prepared.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

I got up early again today

Istijlál (Majesty), 10 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Thursday, July 3, 2008 about 4:50 AM PDT

I got up early again today. This morning I rose at 2:00 AM before both the alarm and the sun. In fact, the sun hasn't risen yet; it's still dark outside and I've already made my second carafe of coffee. I've made entries to all my blogs and begun my Gratitude Journal entry for today. I've gotten a lot achieved.

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July and I'm off. I have a three-day weekend coming; we're staying home on the Fourth. We're not planning on going anyplace all weekend. Today Mom has an appointment with a doctor and Monday she has an appointment with a doctor. Both of these are follow-ups from her last hospital stay.

I still haven't decided on my Fourth of July blog entry. I don't know why I'm stressing over a blog entry, but it's the Fourth and I feel that Independence Day requires a special entry. I'll decide today what I'm going to write about tomorrow. I have plenty of ideas, but nothing strikes my muse or me.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I'm still thinking about the Fourth of July

‘Idál (Justice), 9 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Wednesday, July 2, 2008 about 5:52 AM PDT

I'm still thinking about my Fourth of July entry. For three years in a row, my grandparents, parents and cousins went to Lake Karl Blackwell to celebrate the Fourth, four three years in a row accidents happened that were potentially fatal. After the third incident we didn't go to Lake Karl Blackwell any more.

I'm thinking back to those incidents and looking at them from my present perspective. Two of them could have been avoided, while the third was the result of technological failure and couldn't have been avoided. I think I'll describe one or more of those incidents in my blog entry. This means before the Fourth I'm going to have to write notes about those incidents.

It's been a long time since I wrote anything about those incidents and I need to review them a little more closely before I write more about them. I did write a poem several years ago concerning the happenings at Lake Karl (I hope that is how the name is spelled in this instance) Blackwell. I'm also going to have to do little more research on that Lake.

Writing another poem about them or perhaps three poems sounds like a good idea. I also used one of the incidents in a flash fiction piece. Writing two or three new flash fiction stories or a short story sounds like a good idea, as well. I’m not sure which I’ll decide on yet; maybe I’ll just make three different blog entries detailing the incidents.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Thinking about the Fourth of July

Fidál (Grace), 8 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Tuesday, July 1, 2008 about 5:03 AM PDT

The fourth of July is coming up on Friday. We're going to stay home again this year. There really isn't any use in going out of town, with gas prices so high. Although, I'm not sure that's why we're staying home. We usually don't go out of town on The Fourth.

Mom and I stay home and watch the neighborhood fireworks and those the hotel casino displays. We can see most of the fireworks going off from where we live, so why go anywhere. The neighbors, especially those with kids, usually set off some sort of colored fireworks. In fact, some of the fireworks set off are illegal in Nevada or at least Las Vegas So, with the water situation the way it is, it isn't a good idea to leave the place unattended on the night of the fourth.

I remember growing up in Blackwell, Oklahoma. My grandparents would take us to either Lake Blackwell (I think that's the name of the Lake outside of Blackwell) or Lake Carl Blackwell to ignite fireworks. I enjoyed going to the lake and watching the pyrotechnic displays. I still enjoy watching the displays; I just don't want to go out of town to see them.

Grandpa always enjoyed setting off the fireworks. He liked the way we kids reacted. Of course, the fireworks then weren't as safe as those today. We were really lucky we had as few incidents as we did on the Fourth. I think I'll blog about the displays and fireworks I remember as a child.