Sunday, July 27, 2008

Apple Sauce on Sunday Morning

Jamál (Beauty), 15 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Sunday, July 27, 2008 about 9:19 AM PDT

It's Sunday and I'm eating apple sauce for breakfast. I don't remember eating apples sauce for breakfast as a child. Actually, my grandmother or mother, who ever fixed breakfast, always fixed eggs, bacon or sausage, hot cake or cereal and milk or juice to drink.

This is a better breakfast then I usually eat my breakfast usually of leftovers, candy, or cake. I don't have kids in the house, so I don't have to be a good example. I eat whatever is quick and easy. I don't like going to a lot of trouble for my breakfast, but Mom's breakfast is a different story.

Mom likes peanut butter, so she normally eats a peanut butter sandwich with her cereal. I don't know anyone who likes peanut butter the way my mother does. If I let her she would eat it for every meal. Sometimes Mom has jelly with her peanut butter, plus cereal and milk.

Mom doesn't eat a lot of apples or apple sauce. Perhaps once or twice a month she will have one or the other. She won't have both though, if she eats apple sauce she doesn't drink apple juice.

This morning Mom is having mixed fruit with something else. She fixes her own breakfast, so I normally don't know what she is eating until I check look. I think I'll go in the kitchen and see what Mom's fixing. While I'm there I'll get me another little dish of apples sauce and coffee.

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