Monday, July 28, 2008

I think I take after my Grandmother

Kamál (Perfection), 16 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Monday, July 28, 2008 about 2:20 AM PDT

I have mentioned before about my Grandma Newland and her sleeplessness. Grandma would get up and do housework when she could not sleep. Lately, I have found it difficult to sleep through the night. Two or three mornings a week, I find myself getting up two or three hours before the alarm sounds.

I do not do housework instead; I say prayers, write and blog. This morning I did make an exception to not doing housework. I put a load of laundry in the washer because I needed cloths to wear to work. After I dry the cloths, then I can get ready for work. Laundry is the only housework I will do when I cannot sleep.

The advantage of blogging early in the morning is completing the entries before I go to work. The disadvantage is that sometimes my muse does not get up at the same time as I get up. This can be a problem, especially when I do not plan an entry ahead of time. Perhaps I should try planning daily blog themes ahead again.

I tried that before and found it tedious. However, I could take another approach this time. Instead of having a specific theme for a specific day, I could just keep a list of themes or titles and mark them off as I use them. I will try that during Kamal (Perfection), which begins at sunset on July 31. I can make a list of about nineteen titles to use during the month of Kamal and then use them only if I need a theme.

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