Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I know better

‘Idál (Justice), 18 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Wednesday, July 30, 2008 about 7:44 AM PDT

I know better then to leave a blog entry for later in the day. If I do that there is about a 90% chance I am not going to get it written or posted. Life inserts itself into our plans. If the goal is to make a blog entry every day, then make the entry in the morning.

If something interesting happens during the day and I want to blog about it, I can make another entry. If I don't have time to make another entry that day, then I need to take notes about the event in my pen and paper journal.

I think I am going to have to start taking notes for blog entries anyway. I have a daily word count goal for each blog. If I make the minimum word count goal for each blog or piece of writing, then I am going to make the total daily word count goal. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is important to make the minimum goal because when I add all the minimums together they add up to the total.

In addition, if I set the goal to write and post in the morning, it pushes me to to wait until I complete the entry to rewrite and polish. In the morning, I have only a specific amount of time to write. I can write a blog entry in about thirty minutes, with spelling corrections included. However, I cannot stop and make corrections while I am composing the entry. Once I complete the entry, with any additions and spelling corrections I need then I can post the entry and get on with the next item on my agenda.

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