Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Peanut Butter Sandwich and Coffee

Fidál (Grace), 5 Kamal (Perfection), 165 B.E. – Tuesday, August5, 2008 about 4:28 AM PDT

Part of the process of transformation is looking at how my tastes have changed over the years. When I was growing up, we always had a traditional breakfast; Grandma or Mama, whoever was fixing us breakfast that morning, would make eggs, bacon or sausage, cereal, milk and juice. Sometimes the older kids would get coffee with lots of cream and sugar added.

We never eat peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast. However, since growing up that is my favorite, especially if I am fixing breakfast for myself. Lately, it is my mother's favorite as well. Mom loves peanut butter sandwiches even more then I do. Therefore, when we have peanut butter in the house that is what we have for breakfast.

I have no idea what my grandmother would say about peanut butter for breakfast. Grandma would fix us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. Sometimes she would put them in our lunch boxes for us to take to school. We always carried our lunch with us to grade school. I do remember whether we ate school provided lunches in junior high (middle school) or high school. If the school did provide lunches for us, they were not memorable.

Since I do not have children in the house, I do not have to set a good example for anyone at breakfast. That means I can eat whatever I want and most of the time I want peanut butter sandwiches and coffee for breakfast. If I want bacon and eggs or sausage and eggs, I go to a restaurant. I cannot fix bacon the way I like it, so I go out to eat when I want bacon for breakfast.

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