Monday, August 04, 2008

It Looks Like Rain

Kamál (Perfection), 4 Kamal (Perfection), 165 B.E. – Monday, August 3, 2008 about 4:07 PM PDT

It looks like rain. Dark clouds are gathering in the sky and the wind is blowing. Maybe we will have some monsoon showers after all. I haven't heard the weather report and I haven't checked the e-mail box in which I receive the local weather report.

I don't hear any thunder and I don't see any flashes of lightening. So this could just be another one of Mother Nature's jokes. We need rain here in Las Vegas. Monsoon season began in July and we haven't had enough rain to use for a decent "spit bath". I'm not getting my hopes up, but I do think I'll say a little prayer for some rain.

I enjoy the rain. I like sitting on my couch watching the rain. I'm not crazy about driving in it for a couple of reasons. First, I drive with my window down (I might get into the reason in a later entry). The problem with driving with my window down (besides the rain coming in) is that my windows don't roll up when it rains. Normally when I park the car somewhere, I roll the window up and lock the door, but I can't do that on rainy days.

Not that I'm going out any more today. I have enough coffee to make a four or five more carafes and we don't need to get gas until Tuesday or Wednesday. I'll get gas when I go get another can of coffee. I have enough money in my wallet to get both gas and coffee. I don't mind choosing between gas and other items, but when it comes to choosing between gas and coffee I get a bit upset.

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