Friday, August 08, 2008

I am Nostalgic for Oklahoma

Istiqlál (Independence), 8 Kamal (Perfection), 165 B.E. – Friday, August 8, 2008 about 6:46 PM PDT

I am nostalgic for Oklahoma. That is the only logical explanation for the humidity reminding me of Oklahoma. Mom and I left the house at about 10:30 or 11:00 AM this morning. We had three errands to complete and in a specific order. First, early vote because today was the last day of early voting and since I work the polls this coming Tuesday I had to vote today. Second, pick up my meds; I called in two prescriptions on Wednesday, which were ready today. Third, stop at my internet provider's office and pay for another month.

While I drove across town, I realized that the humidity reminded me of Oklahoma. I even have a slight heat rash, which also reminds me of Oklahoma. Therefore, the only logical or illogical explanation is nostalgia. I miss the Oklahoma humidity. I miss the Oklahoma thunderstorms. I miss the Oklahoma lightning.

It did rain a little bit yesterday, just enough to get my car dirty. It thundered yesterday as well. I did not see lightning, but I did hear thunder so the lightning must have occurred. I am presuming lightning occurred because you cannot have thunder without lightning.

Oklahoma memories
play across the firmament of my mind
like clouds in the desert sky.

Oklahoma thunderstorms
light up my childhood with crisp
lightning flashes.

Missing Oklahoma
gives me something to write about
while I wait for rain
to slacken the drought

Missing Oklahoma
gives me something to think about
when the dentist pulls
the remaining teeth in my mouth.

I think the poems needs a little work. I will let it set a few days before rewriting it.

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