Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I have to change my self-talk

‘Idál (Justice), 6 Kamal (Perfection), 165 B.E. – Wednesday, August 6, 2008 about 8:24 AM PDT

Part of the transformation process is discovering bad habits that need changing. One bad habit I have is negative self-talk. My self-talk is the words and phrases I use my career and myself. Negative or positive self-talk becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I have found that negative self-talk reinforces the bad things that happen. It gives me a reason to want to give up, because it suggests that no matter what I do, I am not going to succeed. On the other hand, positive self-talk focuses on faith and hope rather then on doubt and uncertainty.

In everyone's life bad things happen and events occur which can be considered negative and proof of failure. Negative self-talk enhances these events and causes a person, at least it causes me, to focus on the failure in the event instead of the opportunity; it causes me to focus on doubt, while positive self-talk focuses on the opportunity in an event and on faith.

Negative self-talk attracts negative results because it encourages giving up and accepting defeat. Positive self-talk attracts positive results because it encourages striving and overcoming obstacles to success and spiritual growth.

Positive self-talk cause me to face the tests and difficulties in my life with faith because it allows me to accept the knowledge contained in an event. Faith is important because without it a person would quit striving for perfection, for growth and transformation. Sometime simple changing the self-talk phrases is all that is necessary to encourage the human soul. At other times, the new phrases have to be merged with an enhanced definition of faith.

One definition of faith is to "breath without air". However, negative self-talks prevents this because it say you have to have proof that what you are doing is going to be successful. At the beginning of any project, there is no proof it will be successful; you just have to accept the fact that success is is inevitable without proof, i.e. breathing without air.

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