Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Clouds are rolling in

We have cloud cover today. Beautiful gray-white clouds covering the entire Las Vegas valley. Although, from what I understand it should be called the Las Vegas Bowl because we are completely surround by mountains. They call the parts of the Rocky Mountains surrounding Las Vegas are called the Muddy Mountains. If it rains today, not only with the mountains be muddy, but Las Vegas as well.

Rain would be nice, not only would it cool the city down. It would bring us some much needed water. Not that a single rain will alleviate the drought, it is going to take more then one or two days of rain to do that, but it would water some of the dry lawns and flowers in the area.

Of course, when it rains in Las Vegas there is always a chance that the streets will flood. The flood control district did some work on Charleston a couple of years ago because when it rained the Charleston Underpass would flood. The Underpass has not flooded since. However, I do not know if it is because the flood control project worked or it just has not rained enough to test the work.

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