Sunday, July 12, 2009

A partly cloudy summer day in Las Vegas

Jamál (Beauty), 19 Rahmat (Mercy), 166 BE – Sunday, July 12, 2009 about 7:47 AM Pacific Time

It's Sunday morning. It's a partly cloudy summer day in Las Vegas. When I look out my living room window, the cods appear dirty gray. Not deep charcoal like rain clouds, but a dirty gray like the wool of sheep after sheering and before it's washed.

A light summer shower would be nice. I'm not expecting it though because the clouds I see don't suggest rain. Actually, I would like to see a nice rain in Las Vegas. A gentle rain that last for more then a few minutes, a rain like that would refresh the city and the plants.

I haven't looked at my e-mail yet so I don't know if rain is forecast for today. It doesn't really matter because it can rain in one part of town and not in another. If it doesn't rain at McCarran Airport then the rain is unofficial.

I just heard something that sounded like thunder, but it was too distant to determine if it thundered. I could have heard anything. There are a lot of noises which sound like thunder from a distance.

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