Friday, July 17, 2009

An Excessive Heat Warning

I just received an e-mail in about an excessive heat warning the Weather Service has issued. The warning is for Clark and Nye counties in Nevada plus Mojave County in Arizona. I live in Las Vegas, which is in Clark county Nevada.

July and August are the hottest months in Las Vegas, so an excessive heat warning isn't unusual. The problem right now is that I'm not sure my central air unit is working properly. In the afternoons from about 3:00 PM to sunset, the temperature in the house gets up over 90 degrees. The air runs all the time until the temperature gets down to the desired number. Eventually the unit goes off, but not for several hours.

The problem is one of two things or a combination there of. First, the cover to my attic is broken so there is no cover on the attic entrance, which means I could be losing heat through the attic. That may be the problem or part of the problem. There is also the possibility that the unit isn't working properly. Since I can't call anyone to check the unit until Wednesday, I'm just going to have to deal with the problem and the results.

The power bill for this month's bill won't be due until September 6. I get that bill around August 6 when last month's power bill is due. I know how much Mom and I need to have by August 6, that's $182.82. I'll worry about the present bill when it comes in, in the mean time I'm going to call the Rebel Refrigeration next Wednesday and have a tecnictian come out to check the unit. I'd rather pay someone service call to find out if the unit is working properly.

I also need to get some duct tape and a piece of cardboard to cover the attic entrance. That will take care of any air I'm losing through the attic until I can get a cover to go over the entrance.

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