Friday, July 24, 2009

My denture adhesive doesn’t hold all day

Istiqlál (Independence), 12 Kalimát (Words), 166 BE – Friday, July 24, 2009 about 5:08 Pacific Time

All right, everyone is probably getting tired of reading about my problems with my dentures. If they are I hope they are taking better care of their teeth and gums then I did. A person's natural teeth are always better to eat with and after the permanent teeth come in there isn't any getting used to them.

The denture adhesive I use works find with my upper plate. It's the lower plate that gives me problems. Perhaps I need another adjustment or maybe I'm not applying the adhesive properly. I'll have to read the instructions again.

I don't like using the adhesive, but I don't know any other way to hold my plate in place. I'll decide next Wednesday if I have to go to the dentist for another adjustment. After the last adjustment, my gums aren't sore and I can eat most foods. The problem is I'm having trouble with sandwiches. So it could be just learning to deal with the lower plate.

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