Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I have a coupon for a Jalapeno Burger

‘Idál (Justice), 10 Kalimát (Words), 166 BE – Wednesday, July 22, 2009 about 4:56 AM Pacific Time

I have a coupon for a Jalapeno burger from Carl's Jr. It's a two for one coupon, so Mom and I can both have one. My lower dentures work well most of the time; I haven't had a sandwich like this since I received my lower plate. This is a milestone; I will see how well my plate stays in place when I eat the sandwich.

The goop I use to hold the plate in works most of the time. Since I don't see any reason to baby myself any more, I'm going to go to Carl's Jr. and buy the Jalapeno burger. The main problem the last few weeks the last adjustment took care of. Once I have the burger then I'll know if I need to have the lower plate adjusted again.

My grandmother had a full set of dentures and she ate almost anything she wanted to without any problems. I remember watching her eat hamburgers and other sandwiches with her dentures without her bottom plate slipping. Actually, the only thing Grandma didn't eat with her dentures was whole apples. She had to peel the apples and cut them up because she couldn't handle the apple's peeling. The peeling got stuck in her throat and she would choke. I have to do the same way for the same reason, so I don't think peeling an apple to eat counts when it comes t getting used to dentures.

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