Thursday, July 23, 2009

I bought an electric percolator

Istijlál (Majesty), 11 Kalimát (Words), 166 BE – Thursday, July 23, 2009 about 6:07 AM Pacific Time

I bought an electric percolator yesterday. It makes a maximum of 12 cups of coffee and you use between 8 to 12 tablespoons of coffee grounds to brew the coffee. Yesterday I make a pot of coffee using 8 tablespoons, but it wasn't strong enough. This morning I used 10 tablespoons and it still isn't strong enough, so the next time I make it I'll use 12 tablespoons.

I haven't had a percolator in the house for two or three years, so I have to experiment with the amount of grounds until I get the coffee to the desired strength. I like my coffee strong. I learned to drink coffee from my grandfather and he made "cowboy coffee" in an electric percolator. Grandpa's coffee was strong enough to walk under its own power.

I didn't know how much I missed the sound of a percolator until I made coffee yesterday. I just stood beside the coffee pot listening to it perk. That is one of the most beautiful sounds in the universe. I think that the sound of a percolator is comforting.

Coffee made in a percolator seems hotter then when I make it in a drip coffee maker. However, I think that is because the percolator keeps the coffee hotter then sitting the pot on a heating element to keep it warm.

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