Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The 40th Anniversary of Apollo 11

July 20, 1969, forty years and another century ago a man left a human footprint on the moon. I remember seeing a picture of the Earth from the Moon. There were no human created boundaries marring the surface of the Earth. There were mountains, rivers, oceans and clouds. Earth was a beautiful blue-green planet, with white clouds, white snow peaked mountains and brown deserts. When I saw that picture of the Earth from the moon, I became a citizen of Earth and not just a citizen of a single country on the planet Earth.

I don't know if the photo of the Earth from the moon was taken at the same time as the Lunar Landing. I know I always associate the picture and the Lunar Landing in my mind. That's one of the interesting things about memory, each person remembers the same event in different way because we each see each event we witness from a personal point of view.

July 20, 1969 at 4:18 P.M. EDT, two men walked on the moon. Two human beings left human footprints on Luna and the world became smaller. The Lunar Landing changed the way many of my generation saw the world. As we watched the landing on television, our concepts of Earth and humanity expanded.

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