Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Miss Watching Television

‘Idál (Justice), 3 Kalimát (Words), 166 BE – Wednesday, July 15, 2009 about 12:26 PM Pacific Time

I never thought I would say or write this, but "I miss watching television!" It's my own fault that I didn't get the converter box for digital. It's my own fault that I have a television setting in my house that's only use is for a paper weight.

I grew up with T.V. I remember watching a black and white T.V. in the living room of my parents and grandparents house. I remember the first color T.V. my grandfather bought. Grandpa always had the latest technology. We always had a working television set in the house. I miss watching T.V.

It's not that I watched a lot of T.V. I watched PBS on Saturday and Sunday. The rest of the week, I watched the news and Dr. Phil. I watched the news more often then Dr. Phil. Still, I miss watching television.

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