Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wednesday is trash pick up day in my neighborhood

Fidál (Grace), 6 Asmá’ (Names), 166 BE – Tuesday, August 25, 2009 about 10:01 AM Pacific Time

Wednesday, August 26, the Republic Service trucks come through my neighborhood. They start there run through my section of town about 7:00 AM. Sometimes they empty the trashcans along our curb between 7:00 and 8:00 AM, other times the can set there until afternoon waiting for them to empty it. Once or twice in the past ten years, they missed our block.

Anyway, today I'm going to have to go through the house and find all the indoor trash baskets and empty them. I suspect I'll miss on trash basket today because I always miss one. Republic Services does a better job of emptying the trashcans along the curb then I do emptying the indoor trashcans.

I think my problem with the trash basket has to do with one getting moved. There are two people living in my house. One of us moves the trash basket periodically, I think that's why I miss one every week. Fortunately, the trash basket I miss is one that doesn't have garbage with an odor. My goal is to get every trash basket in the house emptied either on Tuesday or Friday, so I can take the stuff to the curb the next morning.

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