Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kamal is drawing to a close

Fidál (Grace), 18 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Tuesday, August 18, 2009 about 12:48 PM Pacific Time

The Feast of Asma (Names) is Wednesday evening at 7:30 PM. The month of Kamal 166 BE is ending. I have written over 90 poems so far this month. My poetry journal contains 90 poems, but I know I've written more because I've post poems to my blogs that I haven't put in the poetry journal.

I have did a lot of writing this month because I know I've submitted about 27 items to contests on writing.com. I completed the August fantasy newsletter on Sunday and submitted it. Now I have to decide on a subject for my edition of the September newsletter. However, I think I'll let the newsletter subject rest for a while and focus on other things.

Right now, I'm tired. I think it's because I gave blood yesterday and I just need to build myself up again. Today we're having beans, I hope that helps build up my iron count. Since I'm not scheduled to give blood again until December I'm not going to worry about the iron count and just eat what I want for a few days. Today I want beans, seasoned with pigs feet. Tomorrow I may want something else.

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