Sunday, August 02, 2009

Summer Driving in Las Vegas

Jamál (Beauty), 2 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Sunday, August 2, 2009 about 2:41 PM Pacific Time

It's summer in Las Vegas. It's hot in Las Vegas. I have to have the air conditioner in my car serviced, but other things take priority. Therefore, I drive with my windows down. I attempt to do all my business in the morning, so that I can get back to the house before noon.

Today I need to pick up a prescription for my mother, but the Walgreen's where she get her meds didn't open until 10:00 AM. We left the house about 9:30 AM, went to the AM/PM to get gas and the to pick up the prescription. After that, we went to Petsmart for cat food and then to Fresh & Easy for ice cream and soda. We arrived back home about 12:30 PM before the day's heat began to set in.

I took so long because I had to drive across town to get to Petsmart. The only stores which were close to the house was AM/PM and Fresh & Easy. The other two are on opposite ends of Charleston Ave. However, with the exception of the ice cream and soda, the other purchases were essential. I'm home and I doubt that I will go anywhere else today, it's too hot to be driving any place.

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