Monday, September 01, 2008

Where has the Year gone?

Kamál (Perfection), 13 Asma (Names), 165 B.E. – Monday, September 1, 2008 about 9:15 AM Pacific Time

Where has 2008 gone? It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating the beginning of a New Year and here it is September 1. There are now only four months left in 2008 and then we celebrate the beginning of another New Year, which will pass too quickly.

We begin a New Year with so much hope and so many goals, but the year passes quickly. The older a person gets the faster the year appears to pass. That is why setting priorities are important. If one doesn't set priorities, then nothing is accomplished and the year is wasted. At least, it seems so unless the individual learns the lesson about setting priorities.

It is never too late, no matter how old one is, to begin setting priorities. One way to do this is to write a personal mission statement. Mission statements aren't only for businesses or individuals looking to advance their careers. Mission statements are for everyone who has priorities and wants to achieve goals of any time.

Many websites give advice about writing personal mission statements, but all a person needs to write one are priorities. The first step is for the individual to list his or her priorities. The second is to put those priorities into positive statements. Make the statements specific enough to see that progress is being determine and broad enough so that there is a little leeway for improvement.

I'm in the process of rewriting my personal mission statement now. The original statement didn't inspire me, so I decided to do it over. Of course, I wrote the original before my life fell apart last year, so perhaps my priorities changed during 2007. I will finish the statement today and will post it in this blog latter this week. I have found that, for me, a personal mission statement is part of the process of transformation.

1 comment:

Praveen said...

Hi Neva

This is really interesting, I am going to do this exercise of write a personal mission statement, Thank you!!

Praveen [India]