Friday, September 05, 2008

Between Dusk and Dawn

Istiqlál (Independence), 17 Asma (Names), 165 B.E. – Friday, September 5, 2008 about 3:13 AM Pacific Time

It is early and the sun hasn't risen yet, but it approaches the horizon. You can sense the approach of morning, the approach of dawn. Even in the dusk of morning, in the dusk of the twilight before dawn, my mind and soul knows that day is coming. The knowledge of the approach of day wakes me in the dusk of morning.

I'm not sure when I first began waking up in the dark part of morning. All I know is that I'm now waking up before dawn and watching the sky become lighter and lighter between the dusk and the dawn. This is a spiritual time of day, when dawn prayers are said and the first pot of coffee is made. Prayers and coffee seem to complement the early morning and start the day off on the right foot.

This morning I noticed that when I get out of bed my right foot touches the floor first. Of course, I'm right handed, so that may have something to do with which foot touches the tile of my bedroom floor first. I don't get out of bed immediately upon waking. I lay a few minutes looking out the window, looking at the darkness before the dawn. Then, with my right foot touch the floor first, I sit up, find my socks and shoes, put them on and get up.

Waking up in the dusk of morning has taught me a lot about myself. I don't like to go barefoot, even in the house. Getting up early has also taught me that dawn is the most beautiful and spiritual time of day. Some may argue with that, but for me I find that it is true. I think that is because most mornings, I'm the only one up and the house is silent and conducive to prayer, meditation, making entries in my gratitude journal or composing a blog entry.

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