Monday, September 15, 2008

I Love Online Banking

Kamál (Perfection), 8 ‘Izzat (Might), 165 B.E. – Monday, September 15, 2008 about 5:54 AM Pacific Time

I remember a time before online banking, when in order to check my account balance I had to go to the bank. I remember a time when I paid bills by check or cash. I went to the bank and withdrew the money to make a payment on the Power Bill.

I love online banking. I don't have to leave my house to see how much I have in my checking account. I can call the insurance company and use a debit card to pay the bill. Online banking is one of the best things about the Internet. I don't know what I did before online banking or how I kept track of my account.

I remember my grandfather writing check and sending them to the power company, the mortgage company, the Water Company, etc. He either used cash or wrote a check because there was no Internet or online banking when I was growing up. If online banking had been available, grandpa would have used it. He liked to have modern convinces and technology.

I love online banking because I can keep a close eye on my bank account. An added benefit of online banking is saving trees, if you don't have to write paper checks you kill less trees.

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