Thursday, September 25, 2008

Another Beautiful Day in Las Vegas and goal setting

Istijlál (Majesty), 18 ‘Izzat (Might), 165 B.E. – Thursday, September 25, 2008 about 4:26 AM Pacific Time

Well, another beautiful day in Las Vegas has begun. I reviewed my 19-day goals last night and set up the spreadsheet to keep track of my accomplishments. I've changed the way I list my goals in the spreadsheet and my daily to do list. I wasn't placing them in the priority of there iimportance.

I've put the most important first on the list. In the upcoming 19-day period, the most important writing goal is completing my issues of the fantasy newsletter I help edit. Then comes other goals such as blog entries, submissions, novel, short stories, etc. The list isn't very long, because I've cut the list down to the nine most important writing projects.

It's another beautiful day in Las Vegas and I'm remembering my childhood. The one thing I don't remember learn is how to set goal. I don't think it was specifically taught in school and I don't remember it being discussed at home. It's something I've learn in the years since. After reviewing the difficulties I've had in setting goals, I really think it's something that should be taught to children.

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