Saturday, September 27, 2008

Patience, Persistence and a telephone Internet connection

Jalál (Glory), 1 Mashiyyat (Will), 165 B.E. – Saturday, September 26-27, 2008 about 8:16 AM Pacific Time

My internet connection and browser are acting wonky this morning. It disconnects at random points and the browser sometimes can't find the website address. All right, I know part of the problem is my fault.

I have a telephone hook-up and I tab browse using Internet Explorer. This method works most of the time, when I'm patient and don't try to go to two different address at the same time. As long as I let the browser find the address on one tab before looking for another address on another, there isn't much of a problem.

There are a lot of disadvantages with my connect, but there are a few advantages as well. One of the advantages is to teach me patience and persistence without getting frustrated. I'm still working on the "not getting frustrated" part. In this case, it doesn't help to get frustrated.

The interesting thing about my Internet connection issues is assisting the process of the transformation. I didn't realize how much it helped this process until this morning, when, instead of throwing up my hands and wanting to quit, I just clicked on the address again and waited patiently for the connection.

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