Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I am tired of cold weather

‘Idál (Justice), 10 ‘Alá (Loftiness), 165 BE – Wednesday, March 11, 2009 about 9:15 AM Pacific Time

I am tired of cold weather. Spring is a little over a week away and I want warm weather. I want to take the trashcans to the curb on Wednesday mornings without having to put a ski jacket on to keep me warm. It is light enough now; I can take the trashcans to the curb on the day they pick up the trash instead of the night before.

I took the trash out this morning between 6:30 and 7:00 AM it was cold. It is cold enough here in Las Vegas that I have not turned the heat off yet. Normally I turn the heat of about March 1 and leave the central air off until sometime in April. I tried turning the heat off and it was too cold to leave it that way.

Since the power bill has not crested $300.00 this winter, I have no room to gripe. Still it is colder then last March. If I turn, the central air unit up any more then the power bill will be out of my budget. Yes, I have a budget; I have changed the budget spreadsheet to a monthly focus because it is easier to work on.

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