Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Midweek Reflections March 18, 2009

‘Idál (Justice), 17 ‘Alá (Loftiness), 165 BE – Wednesday, March 18, 2009 about 12:23 PM Pacific Time

This Wednesday, hump day and I am standing at the crest of the week. When I looked at my mother yesterday, I realized that she looks like my grandmother. I haven't noticed the resemblance before and I'm not sure why I noticed it now. Perhaps it has something to do with my mother's birthday tomorrow, I don't know.

This morning, when I looked in the mirror I realized that I'm looking more like my mother every day. I suppose this means that I will eventually look like my grandmother. That is an interesting thought, not a frightening as I used to think it would be. Perhaps that has something to do with the wisdom I have acquired over the past 62 years.

I realized about ten years ago that I was beginning to look like my mother. It was a frightening thought then, but it's not anymore. I look like my mother. My mother looks like my grandmother. I suspect my grandmother probably looked like her mother; like my great grandmother.

I know that the resemblance has more to do with genetics then anything else. Now I'm wondering if my daughter, whom I gave up for adoption when she was born, will look like me. I will probably never know that until I pass into the next world and that will be a long time because I want to live to at least 100 years old.

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