Wednesday, March 04, 2009

My First Social Security check arrived in my bank account

Idál (Justice), 3 ‘Alá (Loftiness), 165 BE – Wednesday, March 4, 2009 about 6:21 AM Pacific Time.

I finally got my first Social Security check; it arrived in my bank account sometime last night or early this morning. Anyway, the money was there when I checked the account first thing this morning. Online banking is wonderful.

I remember my Grandparents getting their Social Security checks. The check would arrive by mail and then they would go to the bank with it. Once they arrived at the bank, they would either deposit or cash it. In this age of high gas prices and other issues, all I have to do is check my account to see if the money is there.

Another advantage of online banking is knowledge. Since I don't have to go to the bank or call the bank to check my account, I know immediately if the account is overdrawn. I can also pay the power bill, the car insurance, or any other bill I want without leaving the comfort of my home. Considering the way people drive with cell phones and other distractions, online banking keeps a person safe.

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