Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I am walking to work this week

Fidál (Grace), 6 Ilm (Knowledge), 165 B.E. – Tuesday, October 21, 2008 about 4:55 PM Pacific Time

I'm to and from work this week. It's about a two-mile walk both ways, but I have no other choice. I don't have a car and probably won't have one for a while, so I have to walk to work. I had an interview last Thursday to see if I could qualify for Paratransit. However, I have to go to work so I'm not waiting to see if I qualified.

I'm not sure that I will qualify. I'm not basing this on the interview, but on a dream I had last week before the interview took place. In the dream my mother went to work with me, so I suspect she will qualify, but I won't. If I don't qualify then I'll be walking to work for some time because I don't expect to get the car back for some time.

Because of my right knee walking is painful, but not impossible. I just have to focus on other things besides the knee and my negative thoughts. Today I saw a yellow spring flower blooming. This is autumn and the flower was the type that grew from a bulb. I think it might be related to a tulip, but I'm not sure.

If I had been riding in a car I wouldn't have saw the flower because it bloomed on a corner. The flower was hidden from the street and people in cars couldn't see it. The interesting thing is I walked past that corner this morning and didn't see the flower then, but I saw it coming home from work.

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