Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm without a car and walking

‘Idál (Justice), 19 Mashiyyat (Will), 165 B.E. – Wednesday, October 15, 2008 about 11:44 AM Pacific Time

I'm without a car and walking. The car is in the shop for at least the next week, so that means I walk either to where I'm going or to the bus stop and take catch the bus. I've walked to work Monday, then to the dentist office and then home. Tuesday I road with the tow truck driver to take the car to the mechanic on the west side of Las Vegas, then caught the bus to bring me back to the east side and walked the rest of the way home.

I called in to work for today and tomorrow, but I can't call in Friday. I can't afford to take off any more. I'll just have to walk it until I get some sort of transportation. I'm tired and I still have to go to the bank today. Oh well, there isn't anything I can do about it unless I can scrape up some change for the bus. Even if I do take the bus the walk to the bus stop is about half a mile, then there is the wait and the transfer.

Actually, considering the mood I'm in maybe walking would do me some good. I've been in a crabby, miserable, depressed mood all day. So perhaps the walk will change my mood or at least my focus. The only problem with walking is my right knee, which hurts when I walk on cement. Perhaps I'm over thinking the entire situation.

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