Monday, October 20, 2008

The Motif of my Life

Kamál (Perfection), 5Ilm (Knowledge), 165 B.E. – Monday, October 20, 2008 about 4:13 PM Pacific Time

For the past two or three years change has been the motif of my life. Change and transformation accompanied by tests, difficulties and strife. The motif has not changed, all though this year the rhythm and speed of the change has become rather erratic.

Tomorrow I go back to work after five days off. I am going to walk to work because my car is still in the shop. I have no idea when the car will be fix and I am not going to call the mechanic until Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon. I am not crazy about walking to work because of the pain in my right knee, but I have no choice.

The site where I work is about a mile away from my house, while the bus stop is about half a mile away. In order for me ride the bus and get to work, I have to leave about two and a half hours before I have to be at work. I catch the bus and then I make a change. The problem is before I leave the house, I have to make sure Mom is up and has her pills laid out.

It is counter productive for me to leave the house two and a half hours early, while it is still dark out. Walk half a mile and wait for a bus that may or may not be on time and stop for me. If the bus is full the driver goes right by my stop without picking me up. Then I have to walk to work any way.

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