Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I’m without a car again

‘Idál (Justice), 12 Mashiyyat (Will), 165 B.E. – Wednesday, October 8, 2008 4:09 PM Pacific Time

I'm without a car again. I still have the car, but it's setting in my drive way unable to start because it's not getting any juice; I have no battery power to turn the ignition on. So I may as well not have a car. I mean what good is car if it won't start.

I went to work today, then I paid the internet connection fee and then I came home. On the way home it last power and wouldn't go any more. I called Triple A, using a barrowed cell phone and waited for the truck to come. He came and towed the car to my driveway. There wasn't any use going to the machanic because he's across town, which is more then 5 miles away.

I know there must be a lesson in this somewhere. I will find it as soon as I can figure out how to get the car fixed. I won't get paid until Friday, so I'm going to have to wait to have the car towed to the machanic and have it fixed. In the mean time, I'm going to be walking to work, which is not something I'm looking forward to.

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