Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday's Topic: Ten Days Until Spring

Fiḍal (Grace), 9 ‘Alá (Loftiness), 171 BE - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 about 11:06 am Pacific Daylight Time

On Friday, March 20, 2015, at 3:45 pm Pacific Daylight Time the sun crosses the celestial equator and spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere. The birds are already celebrating the new season by building nests, singing, and starting families. The oak tree in the courtyard of my apartment complex is celebrating the season as well. It is leafing out and its limbs are turning green with the new leafage.

I am looking forward to spring. I can but away my heavy winter sweaters and sweatshirts. I can begin making iced tea and iced coffee. I can have my door open for part of the day. I know eventually it will get too warm for me to have the door open all day, but I can open the door in the early morning and late evening. I love spring because it brings pleasant memories from my childhood. I can stop making soup or I can eat the soup cold because it is getting too warm for hot soup.

There are only two problems with hotter weather. First, the power bill will increase because I have to use the air conditioner to cool my apartment. Second, my car does not have a working air condition so I have to drive with the windows down to keep cool. I am sure other things will come up during the late spring and summer, but I will handle them as they come along. Right now I am looking forward to the arrival of spring.

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