Monday, March 09, 2015

Meditation Monday: Attempting to Pray and Meditate

Kamal (Perfection), 8 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness), 171 BE - Monday, March 9, 2015 11:31 am Pacific Daylight Time

I've been in a mental fog all morning because of the spring forward. This always happens when the clocks are moved forward or back and it takes me almost half a day to get over the fogginess. it is difficult to pray, meditate, or do anything else when I'm feeling like this. Unfortunately, I have to go to the store this afternoon to pick up a prescription. I will say a prayer of protection before I leave the house. I may also sit in my car and say another one when I leave the grocery store.

If I didn't have to pick up the prescription I would stay home, but if I don't pick it up today then I'll have to go to the store tomorrow. I don't know if the fogginess I'm feeling is causing me to worry. I'm worried about everything this morning, which isn't like me. I normally just worry about a few things, but not today. i'm tired, not sleepy, so I will go to the store to get the things I need. I need to just take a deep breath and put everything in God's hands. Today I'm having difficulty doing that and I'm not sure why. It could be just the foggy effect of the time change. Whatever it is I wish it would go away.

I will post this and then get ready to go. The postal carrier just left so I can stop at my mail box on the way to the car to see if I got any letters or bills. I will be alright as soon as I get used to the time change and getting up an hour earlier each morning.

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