Monday, March 30, 2015

Meditation Monday: The Word of God is the True Miracle

Kamal (Perfection), 10 Bahá (Splendour), 172 BE - Monday, March 30, 2015 about 12:30 pm Pacific Daylight Time

The word of God is the true miracle because it transforms the individual. Reading and meditating on God's Holy Word pulls the individual out of the darkness of selfishness of personal desires and brings that person into the light of benevolent caring, unselfish kindness, and selflessness.

Reading and meditating on God's word
has expanded my own horizon and concept
of family to take in the planet and all of humanity.

I am a happier person when I place my cares and troubles in God's hands. I can relax knowing that no matter what happens in my life everything will turn out for the best. I know that, despite everything, God wants the best for both me and the rest of the human race because God created us out of love.

The word of God is the true miracle and the messenger who brings that word to humanity speaks with the voice of God. The only way for any human being to know God is through his messengers who come to us in each age with the words that give our souls eternal life. As I read God's holy words I feel the holy spirit flowing through the words and speaking directly to my soul.

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